ClosestFacilityResult QML Type

The result from a ClosestFacilityTask. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1




Detailed Description

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

The closest facility result contains all necessary output from a successfully solved closest facility task. A single route can be obtained by providing facility and incident indexes. The result also contains collections of barriers, messages, facilities, and incidents.

Property Documentation

directionsLanguage : string

Returns the language of the resulting route directions (read-only).

facilities : list<Facility>

Returns a list of the facilities used in the ClosestFacilityTask (read-only).

incidents : list<Incident>

Returns a list of the incidents used in the ClosestFacilityTask (read-only).

messages : list<string>

Returns a list of messages about the ClosestFacilityResult (read-only).

pointBarriers : list<PointBarrier>

Returns a list of the point barriers used in the ClosestFacilityTask (read-only).

Only applicable if ClosestFacilityParameters.returnPointBarriers used in this ClosestFacilityTask is true.

polygonBarriers : list<PolygonBarrier>

Returns a list of the polygon barriers used in the ClosestFacilityTask (read-only).

Only applicable if ClosestFacilityParameters.returnPolygonBarriers used in this ClosestFacilityTask is true.

polylineBarriers : list<PolylineBarrier>

Returns a list of the polyline barriers used in the ClosestFacilityTask (read-only).

Only applicable if ClosestFacilityParameters.returnPolylineBarriers used in this ClosestFacilityTask is true.

Method Documentation

list<double> facilityCosts(string attributeName, int facilityIndex)

Returns total cost values for given attributeName and facilityIndex (read-only).

list<int> rankedFacilityIndexes(int incidentIndex)

Returns a list of facility indexes ordered by rank level for a given incidentIndex (read-only).

  • incidentIndex - The index of facility.

Returns facility indexes for a given incident where the index is a rank level and the value is a facility index. The first element in the list is the index of the closest facility, the second element is the next closest, etc. Multiple properties can effect the number of facilities returned for each incident:

ClosestFacilityRoute route(int facilityIndex, int incidentIndex)

Returns a route between the specified facilityIndex and incidentIndex (read-only).

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