Information about an Address Locator. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: |
- description : string
- intersectionResultAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute>
- name : string
- properties : jsobject
- resultAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute>
- searchAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute>
- spatialReference : SpatialReference
- supportsAddresses : bool
- supportsIntersections : bool
- supportsPoi : bool
- supportsSuggestions : bool
- version : string
Detailed Description
The LocatorInfo can be used to determine if certain capabilities are supported, such as whether the Locator supports suggestions or searching by intersection. The LocatorInfo also holds key bits of information, such as its SpatialReference, the search attributes it uses, and the version of locator it is. Check the LocatorInfo properties before performing certain LocatorTask operations, to ensure the operation is supported.
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Property Documentation
intersectionResultAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute> |
Returns the list of LocatorAttribute that will be returned in the GeocodeResult (read-only).
Returns the properties of the Locator (read-only).
Properties are defined within the locator during creation in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro. Properties might include MinimumMatchScore, MinimumCandidateScore, or DataSourcePath. These properties can only be viewed in ArcGIS Runtime.
resultAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute> |
Returns the list of LocatorAttribute that will be returned in the GeocodeResult (read-only).
searchAttributes : list<LocatorAttribute> |
Returns the list of LocatorAttribute that will be used in the search (read-only).
Use this property to determine the attributes that can be used for geocoding with the LocatorTask::geocodeWithSearchValues or LocatorTask::geocodeWithSearchValuesAndParameters
spatialReference : SpatialReference |
Returns the SpatialReference of the Locator (read-only).
Optionally, a different output spatial reference for a Geocode or Reverse Geocode operation can be set in GeocodeParameters and ReverseGeocodeParameters, respectively.
Returns whether the Locator supports geocoding by a point or street address (read-only).
A point address differs from a street address, as it represents an exact location of a rooftop, versus an interpolated location along a line. If supported, the input search text can be specified as x/y-coordinate pairs, where the spatial reference of the coordinates is WGS84.
Returns whether the Locator supports geocoding by intersection (read-only).
Intersection addresses contain an intersection connector, such as Union St & Carson Rd.
Returns whether the Locator supports geocoding by a place of interest (POI) or landmark (read-only).
Returns whether the Locator supports generating suggestions for user-input (read-only).
Returns the version of the Locator (read-only).
This is the version of the locator itself, and is independent of ArcGIS Runtime, Desktop, and Server.