Information about a ClosestFacilityTask. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1 |
Inherits: |
- accumulateAttributeNames : list<string>
- costAttributes : jsobject
- defaultImpedanceCutoff : double
- defaultTargetFacilityCount : int
- defaultTravelModeName : string
- directionsDistanceUnits : Enums.UnitSystem
- directionsLanguage : string
- directionsStyle : Enums.DirectionsStyle
- directionsSupport : Enums.NetworkDirectionsSupport
- maxLocatingDistance : double
- networkName : string
- outputSpatialReference : string
- restrictionAttributes : jsobject
- routeShapeType : Enums.RouteShapeType
- startTime : date
- startTimeUsage : Enums.StartTimeUsage
- supportedLanguages : list<string>
- supportedRestrictionUsageParameterValues : list<string>
- travelDirection : Enums.TravelDirection
- travelModes : list<TravelMode>
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
ClosestFacilityTaskInfo contains the network dataset defaults from the ClosestFacilityTask once it is loaded. Use this type to obtain information about ClosestFacilityTask defaults before setting ClosestFacilityParameters.
Property Documentation
Returns the default list of accumulative attribute names (read-only).
For example, accumulateAttributeNames = ["Miles", "Kilometers"] indicates that the total cost of the route should also be calculated in miles and kilometers. All supported attributes can be obtained from ClosestFacilityTaskInfo.costAttributes method.
Note: The same list of accumulate attribute names can be obtained from ClosestFacilityParameters.accumulateAttributeNames method.
Returns a map of available cost attributes from the network (read-only).
The key is the name as a string, and the value is the CostAttribute.
Returns the default value for the impedance beyond which facilities should not be found (read-only).
For instance, while finding the closest hospitals from the site of an accident, a cutoff value of 15 minutes would mean that the closest facility task would search for the closest hospital within 15 minutes from the incident. If the closest hospital is 17 minutes away, no routes will be returned in the output routes. A cutoff value is especially useful when searching for multiple facilities or incidents. The units for impedance cutoff is based on the value of the TravelMode.impedanceAttributeName. For example, if TravelMode.impedanceAttributeName parameter is TravelTime, the defaultCutoff is specified in minutes.
Returns the default travel mode name (read-only).
If the closest facility task is initialized with a URL that has no travel modes, then the default travel mode name is an empty string.
Returns the default directions distance units (read-only).
See also Enums.UnitSystem.
Returns the default style of the resulting route directions (read-only).
See also Enums.DirectionsStyle.
Returns whether the underlying network dataset supports the returning of directions (read-only).
Note: For services prior to ArcGIS 10.8, this value will be Enums.NetworkDirectionsSupportUnknown.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.7.
See also Enums.NetworkDirectionsSupport.
Maximum locating distance.
Maximum locating distance is the furthest distance (in meters) that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum locating distance, the object is marked as unlocated.
This property was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.
Returns a map of available restriction attributes from the network (read-only).
The key is the name as a string, and the value is the RestrictionAttribute.
Returns the default enumeration value for the output shape type (read-only).
See also Enums.RouteShapeType.
Returns the default start time of the closest facility route in UTC time (read-only).
Returns the default start time usage type (read-only).
See also Enums.StartTimeUsage.
Returns the supported values for soft restrictions (read-only).
Restrictions can be identified for particular elements such that during an analysis, traversing restricted elements is prohibited entirely, avoided, or preferred. The values in this list which are assigned to the restriction usage parameter determine whether the restriction attribute prohibits, avoids, or prefers its associated network elements. Furthermore, the degree to which network elements are avoided or preferred can be defined by choosing High, Medium, or Low.
Returns the default travel direction type (read-only).
See also Enums.TravelDirection.
travelModes : list<TravelMode> |
Returns a list of travel modes set in the ClosestFacilityParameters (read-only).