Base type for types that support the cancelation of asynchronous tasks. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
- bool cancelTask(string taskId)
Detailed Description
Classes that inherit from Cancelable have asynchronous tasks that can be canceled. Cancelable tasks return a task ID (a string) that can be used when calling cancelTask(string taskId).
Types that implement Cancelable
A feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service | |
A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Map service | |
A sublayer of an ArcGISMapImageLayer | |
A layer that displays 3D features from a scene service | |
A sublayer of a Layer | |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service, by using pre-generated tiles | |
A sublayer of an ArcGISTiledLayer | |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source | |
A feature attachment | |
A list model storing a list of Attachments available for an ArcGISFeature | |
A Bing Maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery metadata | |
A task to find a closest facility route between facilities and incidents | |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow | |
A layer that displays ENC data | |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) | |
A task used to export vector tiles and their style resources | |
A layer that can display features from a FeatureTable on a map | |
Base type for types that represent a table of features | |
A job to generate an offline map from an online map | |
Base type for working with views in an MVC architecture | |
A feature table coming from a geodatabase | |
A task to download and sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A utility that contains methods to sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A utility that contains methods to create a mobile geodatabase | |
A data file input or output parameter | |
A features (or records) input or output parameter | |
Used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service | |
A Layer that supports image adjustments | |
A base type for layers that display cached maps | |
A base type for types representing a long running job on a server | |
Base type for layer types | |
Base type for types that support a common set of Layer functionality | |
A list model storing a list of LegendInfos available for a LayerContent type | |
A task for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding that supports both online and offline capabilities | |
A MapView that renders data in a map and allows users to interact with the map | |
A layer that can display the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package | |
A utility that contains methods to work with .mmpk files | |
A utility that contains methods to work with .mspk files | |
A geodatabase model designed for managing a collection of raster images | |
A job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to synchronizing an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to taking a map offline and synchronizing online and offline maps | |
A layer that displays OpenStreetMap map tiles | |
Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving GeoElement | |
Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving point object | |
Combination of a PopupDefinition and a GeoElement, which allows a visual representation of the GeoElement's attributes as well as the ability to edit them | |
Manages the viewing and editing of a Popup | |
Represents a single preplanned offline map area | |
A task to find a Route between two or more locations | |
A utility that contains methods to work with route tasks | |
Uses a location to provide status and progress updates as a route is traversed (by a moving vehicle, for example) | |
A SceneView that renders data in a scene and allows users to interact with the scene | |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location | |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service | |
A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable instances connected to a feature service | |
A base class for all image tiled layers that fetches map tiles from a remote service | |
Class containing elevation sources | |
A symbol style object | |
A search result object returned by symbol style | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
A utility network | |
A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template | |
A table in an OGC Web Feature Service |
Method Documentation
Cancels the task associated with a taskId.
If there is an associated task status, it will be reset to the Enums.TaskStatus Enums.TaskStatusReady
and its corresponding changed signal emitted.
Returns true
if the task was successfully canceled. Returns false
if the task could not be canceled or if no such task exists.