UtilityTier QML Type

A logical level within a network. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.7




Detailed Description

For example, in an electric distribution network, there may be Subtransmission, Medium Voltage, and Low Voltage tiers.

Property Documentation

name : string

Returns the name of the UtilityTier.

rank : int

Returns the numeric rank of the tier.

It is possible for several tiers to have the same numeric rank. For example, in an electric distribution network, Radial Medium Voltage and Radial Multifeed Medium Voltage tiers would have the same rank. When doing a trace between a source tier and a target tier, the source and target tiers define a upper and lower tier value range for a trace. The trace will stop if it encounters a tier whose rank is outside the range specified by the source and target tiers.

topologyType : Enums.UtilityTierTopologyType

Method Documentation

UtilityTraceConfiguration defaultTraceConfiguration()

Gets a copy of the UtilityTraceConfiguration for this UtilityTier, if one is defined.

This method was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

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