UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration QML Type

A set of predefined trace options that can be used by UtilityTraceParameters to simplify configuring and running a trace operation. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.11




Detailed Description

Named trace configurations are created in the utility network and allow clients to perform trace analytics without needing to understand the data model. Applications can simply allow the user to choose from a set of named trace configurations that provide tracing capabilities. The set can be configured for different workflows, and a single application can be used by multiple customers and even across multiple problem domains.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

See also Map::namedTraceConfigurationsFromUtilityNetwork(UtilityNetwork) and UtilityNetwork::queryNamedTraceConfigurations(UtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParameters).

Property Documentation

creator : string

The creator of the named trace configuration (read-only).

The creator will be the active portal user when the named trace configuration was created.

description : string

The description of the named trace configuration (read-only).

globalId : string

The global ID of the named trace configuration (read-only).

The globalId property is a UUID represented as a string.

Note: This will always contain brackets and any hex values will always be lower case.

minimumStartingLocations : Enums.UtilityMinimumStartingLocations

The minimum number of starting locations required for this trace type (e.g., the shortest path trace requires 2) (read-only).

See also Enums.UtilityMinimumStartingLocations.

name : string

The name of the named trace configuration (read-only).

resultTypes : list<var>

The result types returned by this named trace configuration (read-only).

See also Enums.UtilityTraceResultType.

tags : list<string>

The user tags of the named trace configuration (read-only).

traceType : Enums.UtilityTraceType

The Enums.UtilityTraceType used by the named trace configuration (read-only).

See also Enums.UtilityTraceType.

Method Documentation

UtilityTraceConfiguration defaultTraceConfiguration()

Gets a copy of the UtilityTraceConfiguration defined for this UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration.

This method was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

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