GeoView QML Type

Base type for working with views in an MVC architecture. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0
Inherited By:

MapView and SceneView




Detailed Description

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

A GeoView provides a subset of functionality that works with a MapView or a SceneView. The Map or Scene is the model and the GeoView is the view.

This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.

TypeDefault Property
GraphicsOverlaygraphicsOverlays (appends to model)
SelectionPropertiesselectionProperties (since Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.4)

See also Cancelable, Map, MapView, Scene, SceneView, and GraphicsOverlay.

Property Documentation

attributionRect : rect

Returns the attribution bounding rectangle (read-only).

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

attributionText : string

A concatenated string with attribution text for all layers (read-only).

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

attributionTextVisible : bool

The visibility of the Esri attribution text.

By default the attribution text is visible.

The Esri attribution text is shown as a semi-transparent view at the bottom of the GeoView spanning its full width.

Note: Though you can set the Esri attribution text invisible, you may need to leave it visible based on your license agreement. Refer to your license agreement and to

attributionTop : AnchorLine

Returns the top anchor line of the attribution bounding rectangle.

Other QtQuick items can be anchored to this property so that they display above the attribution text.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

currentViewpointCenter : ViewpointCenter

Returns the current viewpoint's center location and scale (read-only).

See also ViewpointCenter.

currentViewpointExtent : ViewpointExtent

Returns the current viewpoint's bounding geometry (read-only).

See also ViewpointExtent.

drawStatus : Enums.DrawStatus

Returns the Enums.DrawStatus of the GeoView (read-only).

error : Error

Returns the error property of the GeoView (read-only).

exportImageUrl : url

Returns the URL to the exported image (read-only).

See also exportImage.

geoViewType : GeoViewType

[default] graphicsOverlays : GraphicsOverlayListModel

Gets the GraphicsOverlayListModel for this GeoView.

heightInPixels : int

Gets the height of the GeoView (read-only).

Device independent pixels are returned when high-DPI scaling is enabled for the application. Otherwise, physical pixels are returned.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2.1.

identifyGraphicsOverlayResult : IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult

The identify graphics overlay result returned from an identifyGraphicsOverlay or identifyGraphicsOverlayWithMaxResults operations.

Obtain this result once the identifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged signal emits, and the identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus is complete.

identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus : Enums.TaskStatus

Returns the Enums.TaskStatus of the identifyGraphicsOverlay or identifyGraphicsOverlayWithMaxResults operations (read-only).

Check this status when the identifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged signal emits to know the current status of the asynchronous operation.

identifyGraphicsOverlaysResults : list<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>

The identify graphics overlay results returned from an identifyGraphicsOverlays or identifyGraphicsOverlaysWithMaxResults operations.

Obtain these results once the identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatusChanged signal emits, and the identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatus is complete.

identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatus : Enums.TaskStatus

Returns the Enums.TaskStatus of the identifyGraphicsOverlays or identifyGraphicsOverlaysWithMaxResults operations (read-only).

Check this status when the identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatusChanged signal emits to know the current status of the asynchronous operation.

identifyLayerResult : IdentifyLayerResult

The identified GeoElements returned from an identifyLayer or identifyLayerWithMaxResults operation.

Obtain these results once the identifyLayerStatusChanged signal emits, and the identifyLayerStatus is complete.

identifyLayerStatus : Enums.TaskStatus

Returns the Enums.TaskStatus of the identifyLayer or identifyLayerWithMaxResults operation (read-only).

Check this status when the identifyLayerStatusChanged signal emits to know the current status of the asynchronous operation.

identifyLayersResults : list<IdentifyLayerResult>

The identified GeoElements returned from an identifyLayers or identifyLayersWithMaxResults operation.

Obtain these results once the identifyLayersStatusChanged signal emits, and the identifyLayersStatus is complete.

identifyLayersStatus : Enums.TaskStatus

Returns the Enums.TaskStatus of the identifyLayers or identifyLayersWithMaxResults operation (read-only).

Check this status when the identifyLayersStatusChanged signal emits to know the current status of the asynchronous operation.

interactionEnabled : bool

Determines whether user interaction is enabled on the GeoView.

This includes user interactions that manipulate the display of the GeoView, such as mouse, touch, and keyboard interactions.

If user interaction is disabled, all user interaction events on the GeoView will be disabled. For example, this will disable user actions such as zooming or panning the GeoView.

User interaction is enabled by default.

This property was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

labeling : ViewLabelProperties

The view label properties.

The view label properties are an overall control for whether labels will be created and displayed for layers added to the view. Individual layers can also control whether labels should be displayed for their features. Labels need to be enabled both in the view and in the layer. The labeling for a view is enabled by default. The view label properties also control global aspects of the label appearance e.g. animation effects.

Note: Prior to Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10, this property was in MapView.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

See also ViewLabelProperties.

Returns whether navigation is taking place (read-only).

objectType : string

Returns the type name of this object (read-only).

selectionProperties : SelectionProperties

The selection properties that are applied to graphic overlays and layers within the view.

The selection properties of the GeoView defines how features are rendered when selected.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

spatialReference : SpatialReference

The spatial reference.

[default] timeExtent : TimeExtent

Returns the time extent of the GeoView.

Defines how participating layers display when the time dimension is added to your map. A participating layer is a layer in your map that contains a fullTimeExtent value and has time filtering enabled (TimeFilteringEnabled is true). A GeoView time extent supersedes each layer's time extent. For example, if a layer has a larger time extent than the GeoView, not all of the layer's time data will display in the map. If you want all time extents of all participating layers to display, calculate the overarching time extent and add it as the GeoView's time extent. If GeoView's time extent is null, all content in the map is rendered (including non-participating layers).

The range of the time extent includes the start and end values (a feature at 10/24/2016 would be included in a time extent defined as 10/24/2016 - 11/14/2016). Time filtering is not enabled until a non-null time extent is set on the GeoView. When the time extent is null on the GeoView, no time filtering is applied and all content is rendered.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

viewInsets : ViewInsets

Defines areas along the edges of a GeoView that may be obscured by some other UI elements.

View insets reduce the size of the area where it is safe to display callouts, attribution text, location display, and other visual elements on the GeoView when some of the GeoView is obscured by overlaid UI elements such as slide-in panels. The anchoring of the GeoView's visual elements is adjusted to account for the overlaid UI elements.

Units for left, right, top, and bottom are specified in device-independent pixels (DIPs).

Ex: mapView.viewInsets.left = sidePanel.width

If you just want to zoom to a geometry and leave a bit of padding around it, use the MapView::setViewpointGeometryAndPadding method instead.

The viewInsets property currently only applies to MapView, and is ignored on SceneView.

Grouped propertyTypeDescription
viewInsets.leftdoubleThe left inset of the view.
viewInsets.rightdoubleThe right inset of the view.
viewInsets.topdoubleThe top inset of the view.
viewInsets.bottomdoubleThe bottom inset of the view.
viewInsets.emptyboolWhether the insets are set to default values.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

widthInPixels : int

Gets the width of the GeoView (read-only).

Device independent pixels are returned when high-DPI scaling is enabled for the application. Otherwise, physical pixels are returned.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2.1.

wrapAroundEnabled : bool

Returns the wrap around status (read-only).

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the attributionRect property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAttributionRectChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.


Emitted when the attributionText property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAttributionTextChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1.


Emitted when the attributionTextVisible property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAttributionTextVisibleChanged.


Emitted when the attributionTop property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAttributionTopChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1.


Emitted when the drawStatus property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDrawStatusChanged.


Emitted when an error occurs. The error property contains the information regarding the error.

Note: The corresponding handler is onErrorChanged.


Emitted when the exportImageUrl property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExportImageUrlChanged.


Emitted when the height of the GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onHeightInPixelsChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2.


Emitted when the identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onIdentifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged.


Emitted when the identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatus property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onIdentifyGraphicsOverlaysStatusChanged.


Emitted when the identifyLayerStatus property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onIdentifyLayerStatusChanged.


Emitted when the identifyLayersStatus property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onIdentifyLayersStatusChanged.


Emitted when the interactionEnabled property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInteractionEnabledChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

keyPressed(KeyEvent key)

Emitted when a key press is detected on the GeoView.

  • key - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onKeyPressed.

keyReleased(KeyEvent key)

Emitted when a key release is detected on the GeoView.

  • key - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onKeyReleased.


Emitted when the labeling property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelingChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

layerViewStateChanged(Layer layer, LayerViewState layerViewState)

Emitted when a layer has a state change.

  • layer - The layer that had a state change.
  • layerViewState - The state information of the layer.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLayerViewStateChanged.

mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when a mouse click or touch is detected on the GeoView.

This signal will only emit if a mouse press and a mouse release happen in the same relative location. This is useful when performing tasks like an identify, where you want to know if a user clicked or tapped on a particular feature.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMouseClicked.

mouseDoubleClicked(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when a mouse double-click is detected on the GeoView.

This signal will only emit if two click events happen, one after another. In the event of a double click, only the mouseDoubleClicked signal will emit, and the mouseClicked signal will not also emit.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMouseDoubleClicked.

mousePositionChanged(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when the mouse is moved over the GeoView.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMousePositionChanged.

mousePressed(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when a mouse press or touch is detected on the GeoView.

This signal emits as soon as the mouse press or touch happens, and does not first wait for a release. This is useful in determining the screen or GeoView coordinates of where a user first touched the screen, regardless of where they released.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMousePressed.

mousePressedAndHeld(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when the mouse is pressed and held over the same position.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMousePressedAndHeld.

mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouse)

Emitted when the mouse or touch event is released on the GeoView.

This signal is useful in determining the screen or GeoView coordinates of where a user released the mouse on the screen.

  • mouse - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMouseReleased.

mouseWheelChanged(WheelEvent wheel)

Emitted when a mouse wheel event is detected on the GeoView.

  • wheel - The event information.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMouseWheelChanged.

Emitted when navigation has started or completed.

Note: The corresponding handler is onNavigatingChanged.


Emitted when the selectionProperties property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSelectionPropertiesChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

setBookmarkCompleted(bool succeeded)

Emitted when the setBookmark function has finished.

  • succeeded - Whether the bookmark was successfully set.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSetBookmarkCompleted.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

setViewpointCompleted(bool succeeded)

Emitted when any of the setViewpoint functions have finished.

  • succeeded - Whether the viewpoint was successfully set.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSetViewpointCompleted.


Emitted when the spatialReference property of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSpatialReferenceChanged.


Emitted when the time extent of the GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTimeExtentChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.


Emitted when the current viewpoint of this GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onViewpointChanged.


Emitted when the width of the GeoView changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onWidthInPixelsChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2.


Emitted when the wrapAroundEnabled property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onWrapAroundEnabledChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

Method Documentation

bool cancelTask(string taskId)

Cancel the task with the ID taskId.

Returns false if the task cannot be canceled or there is no task with the specified id taskId.

See also Cancelable.

string exportImage(url fileUrl)

Exports the contents of the display to an image.

  • fileUrl - The URL to a location on disk to save the exported image (optional).

You can choose not to specify a fileUrl which will force a Qt Quick image provider URL to be created for the exported image. This can be useful when displaying the exported image in a Qt Quick Image component.

Returns a task ID that can be used to cancel the exportImage task.

See also Cancelable.

string identifyGraphicsOverlay(GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

Identify the topmost graphic in the specified GraphicsOverlay at the specified screen coordinates.

  • graphicsOverlay - The GraphicsOverlay in which to identify graphics.
  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.

This method will return the topmost visible graphic only.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of Graphics.

string identifyGraphicsOverlayWithMaxResults(GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)

Identify which graphics in the specified GraphicsOverlay appear at the specified screen coordinates.

  • graphicsOverlay - The GraphicsOverlay in which to identify graphics.
  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.
  • maximumResults - The maximum number of graphics that should be returned as the result.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of Graphics.


Identify graphics in a MapView:

// Signal handler for mouse click event on the map view
onMouseClicked: {
    const tolerance = 22;
    const returnPopupsOnly = false;
    const maximumResults = 1000;
    mapView.identifyGraphicsOverlayWithMaxResults(graphicsOverlay, mouse.x, mouse.y, tolerance, returnPopupsOnly, maximumResults);

// Signal handler for identify graphics overlay
onIdentifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged: {
    if (identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
        if ( > 0) {
    } else if (identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus === Enums.TaskStatusErrored) {

string identifyGraphicsOverlays(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

Identify the topmost graphics in all the graphics overlays at the specified screen coordinates.

  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.

This method will return the topmost visible graphic per overlay.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult.

string identifyGraphicsOverlaysWithMaxResults(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerOverlay)

Identify which graphics in all the graphics overlays appear at the specified screen coordinates.

  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.
  • maximumResultsPerOverlay - The maximum number of graphics that should be returned as the result.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyGraphicsOverlaysStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult.

string identifyLayer(Layer layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

Identify the topmost GeoElement in the specified layer at the specified screen coordinates.

  • layer - The Layer in which to identify GeoElements.
  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.

This method will return the topmost visible GeoElement only.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyLayerStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a IdentifyLayerResult object.

string identifyLayerWithMaxResults(Layer layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)

Identify which GeoElements in the specified layer appear at the specified screen coordinates.

  • layer - The Layer in which to identify GeoElements.
  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.
  • maximumResults - The maximum number of graphics that should be returned as the result.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyLayerStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a IdentifyLayerResult object.


Identify and select features in a FeatureLayer:

onMouseClicked: {
    const tolerance = 22;
    const returnPopupsOnly = false;
    const maximumResults = 1000;
    mapView.identifyLayerWithMaxResults(featureLayer, mouse.x, mouse.y, tolerance, returnPopupsOnly, maximumResults);

onIdentifyLayerStatusChanged: {
    if (identifyLayerStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
        // clear any previous selections

        // create an array to store the features
        const identifiedObjects = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < identifyLayerResult.geoElements.length; i++){
            const elem = identifyLayerResult.geoElements[i];
        // cache the number of identifyLayerResult
        const count = identifyLayerResult.geoElements.length;

        // select the features in the feature layer
        displayText = "%1 %2 selected.".arg(count).arg(count > 1 ? "features" : "feature");

string identifyLayers(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

Identify the topmost GeoElement in all of the map's layers at the specified screen coordinates.

  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.

This method will return the topmost visible GeoElement per layer only.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyLayersStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyLayerResult.

string identifyLayersWithMaxResults(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerLayer)

Identify which GeoElements appear at the specified screen coordinates.

  • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
  • tolerance - How precise the identify operation should be. The value is in device independent pixels (DIPs). A value of 0 means that it should be extremely precise - only those graphics appearing at the exact coordinates should be returned. A value of 10 means graphics appearing within a 10 DIP buffer can also be returned.
  • returnPopupsOnly - Whether the identify results should contain only popups.
  • maximumResultsPerLayer - The maximum number of graphics that should be returned as the result.

Returns a string representing the task ID for the asynchronous task. The identifyLayersStatusChanged signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyLayerResult.

LayerViewState layerViewState(Layer layer)

Gets the LayerViewState for the specified layer.

string setBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)

Asynchronously applies the viewpoint of a bookmark to the GeoView.

  • bookmark - The Bookmark to set.

Returns a task ID that can be used to cancel the setBookmark task.

This method was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

See also Cancelable.

string setViewpoint(Viewpoint viewpoint)

Sets the viewpoint.

  • viewpoint - The viewpoint to set.

Returns a task ID that can be used to cancel the setViewpoint task.

See also Cancelable.

string setViewpointAndSeconds(Viewpoint viewpoint, real durationSeconds)

Sets the viewpoint with an animation duration.

  • viewpoint - The Viewpoint to set.
  • durationSeconds - The time for the animation to set in seconds.

Returns a task ID that can be used to cancel the setViewpointAndSeconds task.

See also Cancelable.

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