GeographicTransformationStep QML Type

A step in the process of transforming between datums. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2





  • bool equals(GeographicTransformationStep other)

Detailed Description

Each GeographicTransformationStep can be created using a well-known ID (WKID) that represents a geographic transformation. Because the Projection Engine supports thousands of transformations, WKIDs are not presented in the SDK as enumerations. Instead, they are documented in the ArcGIS Runtime SDK 100.4.0 for Qt documentation.

The list of supported WKIDs includes a transformation from every supported datum to WGS 1984. Additionally, there is more limited list of transformations that transform directly between two non-WGS84 datums, such as 4461, which is NAD_1983_HARN_To_NAD_1983_NSRS2007_1.

Transformations with more than one step typically go via WGS84, with one forward and one inverse geographic transformation chained together to get the required geographic coordinates.

Your code should always set the wkid property. If your code does not set the wkid property, or if it sets the wkid property to an invalid geographic transformation WKID, the wkid property will be set to the default value of 1470.

A GeographicTransformationStep object is immutable.

See also GeographicTransformation.

Property Documentation

inverse : bool

Returns whether this geographic transformation step instance is an inverted transformation.

Returns true if this step uses the inverse of the geographic transformation contained in this step.

You cannot change this property after the object is instantiated.

inverseTransformation : GeographicTransformationStep

Returns a GeographicTransformationStep that is the inverse of this GeographicTransformationStep (read-only).

Returns null if there is no inverse of this GeographicTransformationStep

missingProjectionEngineFiles : bool

Returns whether any files needed by the Projection Engine for this GeographicTransformationStep are missing from the local file system (read-only).

projectionEngineFilenames : list<string>

Returns a list of the Projection Engine files required to support this step (read-only).

wkText : string

The well-known text (WKT) representation of the geographic transformation in this step.

Returns an empty string if no WKT has been specified or if the geographic transformation is invalid.

This method always returns the minimal text representation that uniquely identifies a given geographic transformation.

You cannot change this property after the object is instantiated.

wkid : int

The Well-Known Identifier (WKID) of the geographic transformation in this step.

Returns 1470 if no WKID has been specified.

You cannot change this property after the object is instantiated.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the inverse property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInverseChanged.


Emitted when the wkText property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onWkTextChanged.


Emitted when the wkid property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onWkidChanged.

Method Documentation

bool equals(GeographicTransformationStep other)

compares this geographic transformation step against the other.

Returns true if they are equal.

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