SketchVertex QML Type

A class that represents a vertex or mid-vertex in the SketchEditor. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12




Detailed Description

If the pointIndex is greater or equal to 0, then it is a vertex. If the insertionIndex is greater or equal to 0, then it is a mid-vertex. This object cannot have both pointIndex and insertionIndex greater or equal to 0. When the associated sketch editor is modifying a point geometry, the partIndex and pointIndex will both be 0 for a valid vertex. Mid-vertices are not allowed for a single point geometry. When the associated sketch editor is modifying a multi-point geometry, the partIndex will be 0 for a valid vertex. Mid-vertices are not allowed for a multi-point geometry.

Property Documentation

insertionIndex : int

The index position of the sketch vertex in the insertion collection for the multipart geometry (e.g. multiple points, polyline, polygon).

A point index value of -1 with an insertion index value >= 0 indicates that the vertex has not yet been committed to the multipart geometry (i.e. mid-vertex). A point index value >=0 with an insertion index value of -1 indicates that vertex has been committed to the multipart geometry (i.e. actual vertex).

partIndex : int

The index of the part in the sketch editor's geometry at which this vertex can be found.

point : Point

The location of the sketch vertex in map coordinates.

pointIndex : int

The index position of the sketch vertex in the point collection for the multipart geometry (e.g. multiple points, polyline, polygon).

A point index value of -1 with an insertion index value >= 0 indicates that the vertex has not yet been committed to the multipart geometry (i.e. mid-vertex). A point index value >=0 with an insertion index value of -1 indicates that vertex has been committed to the multipart geometry (i.e. actual vertex).

Method Documentation

SketchVertex createMidVertex(int partIndex, int insertionIndex)

A static method that creates a SketchVertex with partIndex and insertionIndex, which will represent a mid-vertex.

SketchVertex createVertex(int partIndex, int pointIndex)

A static method that creates a SketchVertex with partIndex and pointIndex.

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