ServiceAreaPolyline QML Type

A single service area polyline. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1




Detailed Description

A service area polyline is one part of the result of a service area calculation. It covers the edges of the network that can be reached within a specified time, distance, or other travel impedance (cost). Network edges used in service area calculations are commonly used to represent streets.

For example, when calculating service areas with time as the impedance, an impedance value of "5 10 15" creates service areas of 0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 minute intervals. In this example, the ServiceAreaResult contains three ServiceAreaPolylines, each one covering network edges representing the service area reachable within each interval.

Each ServiceAreaPolyline has properties (fromCumulativeCost and toCumulativeCost) for the impedance attribute and every accumulation attribute. You can identify which interval this ServiceAreaPolyline represents by requesting these properties for the impedance attribute.

ServiceAreaPolylines are a more precise representation of a service area than ServiceAreaPolygons since service area analyses are based on measurements along the network edges.

Property Documentation

fromNetworkLocation : NetworkLocation

Returns the "from" network location on the network (read-only).

geometry : Polyline

Returns the geometry (read-only).

toNetworkLocation : NetworkLocation

Returns the "to" network location on the network (read-only).

Method Documentation

double fromCumulativeCost(string attributeName)

Returns "from" cumulative cost value for specified attributeName (read-only).

This property contains the cumulative cost of the path from the facility to the ends of the segments of this polyline closest to the facility. The impedance of the adjacent junction at the beginning of the polyline is included in this value. This value is generated for the impedance attribute and any accumulation attributes.

double toCumulativeCost(string attributeName)

Returns "to" cumulative cost value for specified attributeName (read-only).

This property contains the cumulative cost of the path from the facility to the ends of the segments of this polyline furthest from the facility. The impedance of the adjacent junction at the end of the polyline is excluded from this value. This value is generated for the impedance attribute and any accumulation attributes.

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