LocationDistanceMeasurement QML Type

An analysis object that evaluates direct, vertical, and horizontal distances between two points defined by start and end point locations. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3




Detailed Description

The LocationDistanceMeasurement analysis measures the distance between a start and an end location (each using Point geometry).

Three distance components are calculated:

  • direct distance - the direct distance between the start and end location
  • horizontal distance - the horizontal component of the direct distance
  • vertical distance - the vertical component of the direct distance

See also Distance.

Property Documentation

directDistance : Distance

The direct distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement (read-only).

The distance's unit will be in the chosen Enums.UnitSystem and appropriate for the scale. The value will be empty until the analysis is added to the analysis overlay of a scene view.

See also directDistanceChanged.

endLocation : Point

The end location of the LocationDistanceMeasurement.

The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the end location in 3D space.

horizontalDistance : Distance

The horizontal distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement (read-only).

The distance's unit will be in the chosen Enums.UnitSystem and appropriate for the scale. The value will be empty until the analysis is added to the analysis overlay of a scene view.

See also horizontalDistanceChanged.

startLocation : Point

The start location of the LocationDistanceMeasurement.

The point coordinates (x,y,z) define the start location in 3D space.

unitSystem : Enums.UnitSystem

The Enums.UnitSystem of the LocationDistanceMeasurement under which distances are calculated.

verticalDistance : Distance

The vertical distance component of the LocationDistanceMeasurement (read-only).

The distance's unit will be in the chosen Enums.UnitSystem and appropriate for the scale. The value will be empty until the analysis is added to the analysis overlay of a scene view.

See also verticalDistanceChanged.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the directDistance property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDirectDistanceChanged.


Emitted when the endLocation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onEndLocationChanged.


Emitted when the horizontalDistance property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onHorizontalDistanceChanged.


Emitted when the startLocation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStartLocationChanged.


Emitted when the unitSystem property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onUnitSystemChanged.


Emitted when the verticalDistance property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onVerticalDistanceChanged.

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