A ClosestFacilityRoute contains information about the route to maneuver between an incident and a facility. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1 |
Inherits: |
- arrivalCurbApproach : Enums.CurbApproach
- departureCurbApproach : Enums.CurbApproach
- directionManeuvers : DirectionManeuverListModel
- endTime : date
- endTimeShift : double
- routeGeometry : Polyline
- startTime : date
- startTimeShift : double
- totalLength : double
- totalTime : double
- travelTime : double
- double cost(string attributeName)
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
The ClosestFacilityRoute contains information such as the route geometry, distance, travel time, and direction maneuvers. After ClosestFacilityTask is executed and completes successfully, retrieve the ClosestFacilityRoute from the ClosestFacilityResult.
Property Documentation
Returns the departure curb approach populated by the solve (read-only).
The curb approach is dependent on incidents' and facilities' curb approaches.
See also Enums.CurbApproach.
Returns the departure curb approach populated by the solver (read-only).
The curb approach is dependent on incidents' and facilities' curb approaches
See also Enums.CurbApproach.
directionManeuvers : DirectionManeuverListModel |
Returns the directionManeuvers list model for the ClosestFacilityRoute (read-only).
Returns the end time of a ClosestFacilityRoute in UTC time (read-only).
routeGeometry : Polyline |
Returns the geometry of the route to the closest facility (read-only).
Returns the start time of a ClosestFacilityRoute in UTC time (read-only).
Returns the total length (distance) of the ClosestFacilityRoute (read-only).
The returned value's units is in meters.
Returns the total time of a ClosestFacilityRoute in minutes (read-only).
This includes the travel time, as well as any additional time from specified incident or facility costs.
Returns the travel time of a ClosestFacilityRoute in minutes (read-only).
This only includes time of travel.
Method Documentation
Returns the cost of a given attributeName.
Example attribute names include "Minutes" or "TravelTime".