TravelMode QML Type

Defines how a pedestrian, car, truck or other mode of transportation moves through the network. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0




Detailed Description

A travel mode consists of a collection of network dataset settings that define actions that are allowed on the network and how the actions can be performed. Selecting a predefined travel mode allows you to efficiently and consistently set a number of properties that are appropriate for the mode of travel you intend to model. Since a travel mode is a collection of properties that work together it is recommended to have a full understanding of how these properties interact before altering them on the fly for a particular analysis. A best practice would be to create a new travel mode in the network dataset in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro that is fully tested to ensure that is returns the required solution.

Set the TravelMode in the RouteParameters that you are using with your RouteTask.

This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.

TypeDefault Property
AttributeParameterValueattributeParameterValues (appends to list)

See also Travel modes.

Property Documentation

[default] attributeParameterValues : list<AttributeParameterValue>

The attribute parameter values of this TravelMode.

The following are examples of attribute parameter values: Vehicle Weight, Vehicle Height, and so on. Attribute parameter values are useful for customizing individual restrictions (such as "Don't travel on roads with a weight limit below 6 tons").

See also AttributeParameterValue.

description : string

The short text description of the TravelMode.

distanceAttributeName : string

The distance attribute name of this TravelMode.

Specifies the distance-based cost attribute for reporting directions, total length.

impedanceAttributeName : string

The impedance attribute name of this TravelMode.

The impedance attribute (i.e. the cost attribute to be minimized on solve). For example: "TravelTime" or "Distance".

name : string

The unique name of the TravelMode.

outputGeometryPrecision : double

The output geometry precision of this TravelMode in meters.

This controls the degree to which the travel mode generalizes the geometry of the analysis. Having more generalization could result in a faster result, but will show less detail. It is important to consider the type of TravelMode when setting this value. For example, a pedestrian walking would likely require more precise geometries to follow than an automobile traveling down a highway.

restrictionAttributeNames : list<string>

The restriction attribute names of this TravelMode.

Indicates the restriction attributes that are respected during solve.

timeAttributeName : string

The time attribute name of this TravelMode.

Specifies the time-based cost attribute for reporting directions, total time, travel time and wait or late times.

type : string

This TravelMode's type.

Travel mode type is a string value that has one of four types (assuming that the underlying network was created through the UI of ArcMap). These string values are:

  • "TRUCK"
  • "WALK"
  • "OTHER

These are meant to provide a way for an app to pair an icon with a mode. For example, Esri's Navigator for ArcGIS uses these mode types to pair a car/truck/pedestrian icon with the mode in a list.

Additionally the mode type can be used to provide hints to the underlying task. For example, if a mode is "WALK", then a route will not be created if the envelope of its stops are larger than 50 miles (either height or width).

There is also the option of creating a custom type, and setting it to any string.

uTurnPolicy : Enums.UTurnPolicy

The UTurnPolicy of this TravelMode.

Indicates where the travel mode is allowed to make U-turns.

See also Enums.UTurnPolicy.

useHierarchy : bool

Whether to use hierarchy.

Indicates whether the travel mode uses the network hierarchy in an analysis.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the attributeParameterValues property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAttributeParameterValuesChanged.


Emitted when the description property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDescriptionChanged.


Emitted when the distanceAttributeName property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDistanceAttributeNameChanged.


Emitted when the impedanceAttributeName property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onImpedanceAttributeNameChanged.


Emitted when the name property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onNameChanged.


Emitted when the outputGeometryPrecision property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onOutputGeometryPrecisionChanged.


Emitted when the restrictionAttributeNames property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRestrictionAttributeNamesChanged.


Emitted when the timeAttributeName property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTimeAttributeNameChanged.


Emitted when the type property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTypeChanged.


Emitted when the uTurnPolicy property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onUTurnPolicyChanged.


Emitted when the useHierarchy property of this TravelMode changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onUseHierarchyChanged.

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