Base type for types that support serialization to and from JSON. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherited By: |
- json : jsobject
- unknownJson : jsobject
- unsupportedJson : jsobject
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Types that inherit from JsonSerializable can use common methods to serialize objects to JSON or reconstitute objects from JSON.
Types that implement JsonSerializable
Read-only metadata from the map service | |
An Arcade expression object containing an expression, a name, a return type, and a title | |
A basemap that can be displayed in a map | |
A class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values | |
A renderer that displays various symbols based on ranges of attribute values | |
Represents a set of symbols that make up a single symbol | |
A dynamic composite 3D symbol that changes symbology according to the distance to the camera | |
Base type for domains which specify the set of valid values for a field | |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow | |
Represents a rectangular area, defined by a minimum and maximum x coordinate and a minimum and maximum y coordinate, and a spatial reference | |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene | |
A container for a collection of FeatureCollectionTables | |
Base type for fill symbols | |
A job to generate an offline map from an online map | |
Contains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene | |
Base type for types that represent geometric shapes | |
A renderer based on a heat map | |
A base type for types representing a long running job on a server | |
Specifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols | |
An object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range | |
A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text | |
Describes how features in a FloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility | |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains floor levels for a floor-aware map or scene | |
Contains information for licensing an app for Lite or Basic-level functionality from a portal instance | |
Base type for line symbols | |
A map which can be displayed on the screen using a map view | |
Base class for 3D marker scene symbols | |
Base type for marker symbols | |
Used to display Point or Multipoint GeoElements in a scene using a 3D model | |
Base type for types that represent a geometry composed of a collection of Parts | |
An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry | |
Client authentication information obtained from registering an application with a Portal or ArcGIS Online | |
A job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a Polygon GeoElement | |
Uses an image to symbolize GeoElements that have Point or Multipoint | |
A specific location, defined by an x,y coordinate pair, and a SpatialReference | |
A geometry with an area shape defined by a collection of parts | |
A linear shape defined by a collection of segments | |
A folder used to organize a user's portal items | |
Represents a group within a Portal or Organization | |
Information about a portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in | |
An item in a portal | |
Represents a registered user of a portal or organization | |
Base type for renderers | |
A fill symbol based on simple patterns | |
A line symbol based on simple patterns | |
A 3D marker symbol based on simple shapes | |
A marker symbol based on simple shapes | |
A simple renderer based on a single symbol | |
Properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene | |
A spatial reference that defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world | |
Base type for symbols used to display a graphic or a feature | |
Search parameters used to search for symbols in a SymbolStyle | |
Used to display text at points on a layer | |
A unique value definition for use with a unique value renderer | |
A renderer that displays different symbols based on unique values in the feature attributes | |
Base type for types describing the user's viewpoint when viewing a map or scene | |
View location of the GeoView based on a center point and scale | |
View location of the MapView based on an extent |
Property Documentation
Returns the unknown JSON from the source JSON.
Unknown JSON is a jsobject containing the key/value pairs present in the source JSON that are supported by web maps, but not exposed through the native Runtime API.
Returns the unsupported data from the source JSON.
Unsupported JSON is a jsobject containing the JSON present in the source JSON that are supported by web maps, but not exposed through the native Runtime API.