ReroutingParameters QML Type

Parameters used to perform automatic rerouting, if off-route while navigating a route. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.11




Detailed Description

This class defines how automatic rerouting calculations will be performed if off-route is detected while navigating a route. To enable rerouting, call the RouteTracker::enableReroutingWithReroutingParameters(ReroutingParameters) method passing in this class as the argument.

Note that rerouting only occurs when the current location is off-route, but on or near the transportation network edges. For example if an off-route state is detected but the tracked location is in a parking lot, away from any transportation network edges, rerouting will not occur, and will occur only when a subsequent tracked location is on or near the transportation network edges.

This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.

The following properties are required and must be set on this class before it can be used.

Property Documentation

[default] networkEdgeGeometries : ArcGISFeatureTable

A FeatureTable containing the Polyline geometries that the RouteTask's network is based on. During the rerouting, the geometries are used to determine if the current location is on or near the navigation network. The rerouting calculation will be skipped if the current location is off the network. The geometry type of the feature table must Polyline.

Setting this property is only needed when the RouteTask for the navigation is based on a service. When the RouteTask is based on local data on the device, access to the Polyline geometries is already available to the rerouting algorithm via the Runtime.

The FeatureTable can be the original network source data or one created specifically for checking if located on an edge.

If there are multiple sources the geometries should be merged into a single table.

Only the geometries are needed in the FeatureTable, not the attributes.

Online feature service should support pagination, otherwise RouteTracker::enableReroutingWithReroutingParameters(ReroutingParameters) will emit errorChanged with an error. To improve performance, the online feature service should have a maxRecordCount >= 2000 (this decreases the count of online queries).

[default] routeTask : RouteTask

A RouteTask capable of solving routes on the same network that created the original route.

This is usually the same RouteTask that was used to create the route being tracked. The RouteTask will be used for rerouting in background thread.

strategy : Enums.ReroutingStrategy

A rerouting strategy that determines how new routes are created (to the next waypoint by default).

visitFirstStopOnStart : bool

Whether the first stop must be visited when rerouted (false by default).

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the networkEdgeGeometries property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onNetworkEdgeGeometriesChanged.


Emitted when the routeParameters property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRouteParametersChanged.


Emitted when the routeTask property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRouteTaskChanged.


Emitted when the strategy property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStrategyChanged.


Emitted when the visitFirstStopOnStart property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onVisitFirstStopOnStartChanged.

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