A default location data source object. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.8 |
Inherits: |
- compass : Compass
- positionInfoSource : PositionSource
Detailed Description
This type provide a default implementation of the AbstractLocationDataSource interface. It is used by default by the LocationDisplay.
The DefaultLocationDataSource is designed to work with the QML types:
- PositionSource
- Compass
Property Documentation
compass : Compass |
The Compass used by this data source.
See also Compass QML Type.
positionInfoSource : PositionSource |
The PositionSource used by this data source.
The position source obtains and distributes the position updates. This is provided by Qt's PositionSource QML type, which obtains the device's current location.
See also PositionSource QML Type.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the compass property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onCompassChanged
Emitted when the positionInfoSource property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onPositionInfoSourceChanged