A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: |
- attributes : jsobject
- displayLocation : Point
- extent : Envelope
- inputLocation : Point
- label : string
- routeLocation : Point
- score : double
Detailed Description
Provides information about the candidate, such as a collection of requested attribute values, user-friendly label text, and locations suited for accurate match display or for routing input.
Geocoding takes an address or place name, and converts it into real-world coordinates. Reverse geocoding does the opposite, and converts real-world coordinates into an address or place name. These operations are available on the LocatorTask class. Obtain this result from the LocatorTask::geocodeResults property once the LocatorTask::geocodeStatusChanged signal emits, and the LocatorTask::geocodeStatus is true
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Property Documentation
Returns the attributes of the GeocodeResult (read-only).
A collection of attributes as requested by GeocodeParameters.resultAttributeNames or ReverseGeocodeParameters.resultAttributeNames.
Available attributes depend on the data stored with the locator, and can include things like place name, URL, phone number, and so on.
displayLocation : Point |
Location of the candidate suitable for display on a map (read-only).
For example, this may provide a more precise rooftop location of a house, whereas GeocodeResult.routeLocation represents the nearest street location.
extent : Envelope |
An extent suitable for zooming the map to display the candidate (read-only).
The extent can be used for setting the viewpoint of the map view to the geocode result.
inputLocation : Point |
Returns the input location of the GeocodeResult (read-only).
The Point provided as input to LocatorTask.reverseGeocode.
Note: Input location only applies if the result is from a reverse geocode.
Returns the label of the GeocodeResult (read-only).
User-friendly text that describes this result.
routeLocation : Point |
Returns the nearest street location for the result (read-only).
For example, if searching for a park, the returned point would be near the entrance point to the park.
A value that indicates how well the address was matched (read-only).
The score is in a range between 0 (no match) and 100 (perfect match).
See also GeocodeParameters::minScore.