Represents a single preplanned offline map area. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2 |
Inherits: |
- areaOfInterest : Geometry
- loadError : Error
- loadStatus : Enums.LoadStatus
- packageItems : list<PortalItem>
- packagingStatus : Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatus
- portalItem : PortalItem
- updateCapabilities : OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities
- contentItemsStatusChanged()
- loadErrorChanged()
- loadStatusChanged()
- packagingStatusChanged()
- portalItemChanged()
- updateCapabilitiesChanged()
- void cancelLoad()
- bool cancelTask(string taskId)
- void load()
- void retryLoad()
Detailed Description
Offline map areas are specific work areas or major incident areas that are defined by an online map author ahead of time. Each online map can contain a number of offline map areas. These can be provided in a list by the OfflineMapTask::preplannedMapAreas method.
Each offline map area uses map content that is stored online. Download this map content by running a OfflineMapTask::downloadPreplannedOfflineMap. Create this job by passing the offline map area to the OfflineMapTask::downloadPreplannedOfflineMap method on the OfflineMapTask.
See also Cancelable.
Property Documentation
areaOfInterest : Geometry |
loadError : Error |
Returns the load status (read-only).
See also Loadable and Enums.LoadStatus.
packageItems : list<PortalItem> |
Portal items for packages related to this (read-only).
When the offline map area has successfully loaded, this collection contains the portal items for the packages (tile packages or geodatabases) holding the offline data for the offline map area.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.14.
Describes the publishing status of the online map area (read-only).
This property allows you to check if an online PreplannedMapArea is in a Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusComplete state and ready to be downloaded.
There are four possible values:
- Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusUnknown indicates that the metadata for the map area has not been fetched. This will be the value when the map area is Enums.LoadStatusNotLoaded.
- Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusProcessing indicates that the online map area is not yet ready to be downloaded. The packages required for the map area have not been created yet.
- Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusFailed indicates that an error was encountered while preparing the online map area or its packages. In this scenario, the map area cannot be downloaded until the web map author has resolved the errors.
- Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusComplete indicates the map area is ready for download and the data has been packaged.
If you attempt to download a PreplannedMapArea that is not Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusComplete the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob will fail with Error::code 7022
If you attempt to create a set of DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters by calling OfflineMapTask::createDefaultDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters from a PreplannedMapArea that is not Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusComplete, the operation will also fail with Error::code 7022
If the packaging status is Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatusProcessing you can check it again following these steps:
- 1. Create a new PortalItem instance using the PortalItem::url in the PreplannedMapArea::portalItem.
- 2. Create a new PreplannedMapArea using the portal item.
- 3. Load the PreplannedMapArea and check PreplannedMapArea::packagingStatus.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.
portalItem : PortalItem |
Returns the portal item that this offline map area was created from.
updateCapabilities : OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities |
Describes the methods for obtaining updates that are supported for this offline map area (read-only).
There are two approaches for updating the features in a preplanned offline map area:
- Syncing directly with feature services.
- Downloading scheduled updates (or update packages) from the online map area.
Choose the approach that best suits your workflow, then select the appropriate DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::updateMode. For more details on how to update an offline map, see the OfflineMapSyncTask.
If OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::supportsSyncWithFeatureServices is true
, you can sync directly with feature services. This mode gives you full control over when you upload and download changes. However, performing a download sync places significant load on the backing feature service, so this approach does not scale well for very large deployments. Set the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::updateMode to Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeSyncWithFeatureServices to use this approach.
If OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::supportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures is true
, you can download read-only update packages from the online map area. Updates are prepared on a regular schedule and cached for download by all users of the offline map area. Sharing a single set of cached updates, rather than performing individual sync operations, reduces the load on the back-end services. This approach is scalable for large deployments but does not support offline editing. Set the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::updateMode to Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeDownloadScheduledUpdates to use this approach.
Note that scheduled updates is an optimization that must be enabled by the web map author when the map area is created.
If both of the above OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities are true
, and the feature services in your online map support creating new features, you can adopt a hybrid update model where you download read-only update packages while uploading new features directly to the feature service. This approach combines the scalability of downloading scheduled updates with the ability to collect data in the field. However, note that this approach is strictly add only, meaning that you cannot delete or edit features once they have been uploaded to the feature service. Set the DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::updateMode to Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeDownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures to use this approach.
This property will return null
until the offline map area is loaded.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.6.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the contentItemsStatus property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onContentItemsStatusChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.
Emitted when the loadStatus property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadStatusChanged
See also Loadable.
Emitted when the packagingStatus property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onPackagingStatusChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.
Emitted when the portalItem property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onPortalItemChanged
See also PortalItem.
Emitted when the updateCapabilities property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onUpdateCapabilitiesChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.6.
Method Documentation
See also Loadable.
Cancel the task with the ID taskId.
Returns false
if the task cannot be canceled or there is no task with the specified id taskId.
This method was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.3.
See also Cancelable.
See also Loadable.
See also Loadable.