ServiceVersionInfo QML Type

An object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9



Detailed Description

All properties in this object are read-only, and represent the snapshot in time when ServiceGeodatabase::fetchVersions() was called. To add a new version, use the ServiceGeodatabase::createVersion function.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

See also ServiceVersionParameters and ServiceGeodatabase.

Property Documentation

access : Enums.VersionAccess

The access level of the version (read-only).

commonAncestorDate : date

The timestamp of when the version was last reconciled and posted to its ancestor (read-only).

creationDate : date

The timestamp of when the version was created (read-only).

description : string

The description of the version (read-only).

evaluationDate : date

The timestamp of when the topology of the version's data was last validated (read-only).

isOwner : bool

Whether the current portal user is the owner of the version (read-only).

modifiedDate : date

The timestamp of when the data in the version was last modified (read-only).

name : string

The name of the version (read-only).

reconcileDate : date

The timestamp of when the version was last reconciled with its ancestor (read-only).

versionId : string

The unique ID of the version (read-only).

The versionId property is a UUID represented as a string.

Note: This will always contain brackets and any hex values will always be lower case.

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