UtilityTierGroup QML Type

A related group of UtilityTier objects. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.7




  • bool tier(string tierName)

Detailed Description

Tier groups provide an extra level of organization for tiers. For example, a gas network may be divided into two tier groups - Transmission and Distribution. Each of these tier groups would contain a set of tiers specific to that group. For example, Distribution Pressure and Distribution Isolation might be tiers within the Distribution tier group.

Property Documentation

name : string

Returns the name of the UtilityTierGroup.

tiers : list<UtilityTier>

Returns the collection of UtilityTier objects within this tier group.

Method Documentation

bool tier(string tierName)

Returns the UtilityTier object with the specified name.

  • tierName - The name of the desired UtilityTier object to return.

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