Base type for types that can make network requests. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1 |
Inherited By: |
- credential : Credential
- requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration
- url : url
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Types that inherit from RemoteResource can use common methods to get and set network request parameters. These types must have the ability to set and get a Credential object to handle any authentication that may be required by the network request, as well as a RequestConfiguration which allows for customizing the parameters used to make the network request. It must also support returning its URL, because network-enabled resources should have a URL from which it is requesting its content.
Types that implement RemoteResource
A layer that can visualize annotation text data | |
A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Map service | |
A layer that displays 3D features from a scene service | |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service, by using pre-generated tiles | |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source | |
A basemap that can be displayed in a map | |
A task to find a closest facility route between facilities and incidents | |
A layer that can visualize dimension features data | |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow | |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) | |
A task used to export vector tiles and their style resources | |
A job to generate an offline map from an online map | |
A task to download and sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
A data file input or output parameter | |
A features (or records) input or output parameter | |
Used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service | |
A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene | |
Represents a raster based off an image service | |
An IntegratedMeshLayer represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer | |
A base type for types representing a long running job on a server | |
Contains the current state of the KML data specified in a KML/KMZ file | |
A task for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding that supports both online and offline capabilities | |
Used to display Point or Multipoint GeoElements in a scene using a 3D model | |
A job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to synchronizing an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to taking a map offline and synchronizing online and offline maps | |
An OGC API - Features feature collection table | |
An OGC API - Features service | |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a Polygon GeoElement | |
A symbol layer that fills polygon geometry with an image | |
Uses an image to symbolize GeoElements that have Point or Multipoint | |
Represents a symbol layer used to place a picture marker on a point geometry | |
A point cloud layer | |
Represents a view into a portal by a user, either anonymous or with a Credential | |
A task to find a Route between two or more locations | |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location | |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service | |
A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable instances connected to a feature service | |
A base class for all image tiled layers that fetches map tiles from a remote service | |
A symbol style object | |
A utility network | |
A table in an OGC Web Feature Service | |
An OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) layer | |
Represents an OGC Web Map Service (WMS) | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer | |
An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | |
Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) |
Property Documentation
credential : Credential |
The credential used to authenticate the user requesting this RemoteResource.
requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration |
Security credentials to access the remote resource. Only applicable if the resource is secured.
Returns the URL of this RemoteResource (read-only).