A task used to export vector tiles and their style resources. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2 |
Inherits: |
- apiKey : string
- createDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatus : Enums.TaskStatus
- credential : Credential
- defaultExportVectorTilesParameters : ExportVectorTilesParameters
- error : Error
- hasStyleResources : bool
- loadError : Error
- loadStatus : Enums.LoadStatus
- portalItem : PortalItem
- requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration
- sourceInfo : VectorTileSourceInfo
- url : url
- apiKeyChanged()
- createDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatusChanged()
- credentialChanged()
- hasStyleResourcesChanged()
- loadErrorChanged()
- loadStatusChanged()
- portalItemChanged()
- requestConfigurationChanged()
- sourceInfoChanged()
- urlChanged()
- bool cancelTask(string taskId)
- ExportVectorTilesParameters createDefaultExportVectorTilesParameters(Geometry areaOfInterest, double maxScale)
- ExportVectorTilesJob exportStyleResourceCache(url itemResourcePath)
- ExportVectorTilesJob exportVectorTiles(ExportVectorTilesParameters parameters, url vectorTileCachePath)
- ExportVectorTilesJob exportVectorTilesWithStyleResources(ExportVectorTilesParameters parameters, url vectorTileCachePath, url itemResourcePath)
Detailed Description
Use this in conjunction with a vector tile service or PortalItem to generate and download vector tile packages.
Vector tiles are exported as a vector tile package (.vtpk
) file. A portal item may contain custom style resources overriding the vector tile service's default style and this can be checked with hasStyleResources. The custom style is exported separately as a ItemResourceCache.
The export vector tiles task can be instantiated with a url to:
- A vector tile server that ends in "VectorTileServer" and is the REST endpoint used to export vector tile packages. The vector tile service must be enabled for export or the task will fail to load.
- A portal item for a vector tile service or a vector tiled layer with a custom style applied.
- A vector basemap layer created using a Enums.BasemapStyle.
Alternatively a PortalItem, referencing a vector tile service or a custom style for a vector tiled layer, can be used with the portalItem property.
When using Esri provided vector basemaps that do not support exporting tiles (such as the ArcGIS streets basemap - see Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISStreets, an alternative service that supports exporting tiles will be used instead.
This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.
Type | Default Property |
Credential | credential |
RequestConfiguration | requestConfiguration |
PortalItem | portalItem |
See also ApiKeyResource, Loadable, Cancelable, and RemoteResource.
Property Documentation
Returns the API key.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
See also ApiKeyResource.
Returns the status of the createDefaultExportVectorTilesParameters task.
See also Enums.TaskStatus.
[default] credential : Credential |
The credential for authenticating against a secured service.
This is only applicable if using a service that is secured.
defaultExportVectorTilesParameters : ExportVectorTilesParameters |
Returns the parameters created from createDefaultExportVectorTilesParameters() (read-only).
Obtain this property after the createDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatusChanged signal is emitted, and the createDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatus is Enums.TaskStatusCompleted.
Returns whether this task's portal item has any associated style resources that override the default style of the vector tile service.
The portal item's style resources override the default style of the vector tile service and can be exported as an ItemResourceCache.
loadError : Error |
Returns the load error (read-only).
Load errors are also reported on the error
property and emit the errorChanged
See also Loadable.
Returns the load status code of this Loadable object (read-only).
See also Enums.LoadStatus and Loadable.
portalItem : PortalItem |
The task's portal item which must be of type Enums.PortalItemTypeVectorTileService.
This property can only be set when the task is load status Enums.LoadStatusNotLoaded or Enums.LoadStatusFailedToLoad If the portal item is not of type Enums.PortalItemTypeVectorTileService the task will fail to load. A vector tile service can be referenced by an item in a portal of type Enums.PortalItemTypeVectorTileService. This item can also contain custom style resources see hasStyleResources which can be exported as ItemResourceCache.
requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration |
The configuration parameters used for network requests sent by this task.
sourceInfo : VectorTileSourceInfo |
Returns the VectorTileSourceInfo representing the source metadata for a vector tile service.
The URL for exporting vector tiles.
This property can be the URL of:
- A vector tile server that ends in "VectorTileServer" and is the REST endpoint used to export vector tile packages. The vector tile service must be enabled for export or the task will fail to load.
- A portal item for a vector tile service or a vector tiled layer with a custom style applied.
- A vector basemap layer created using a Enums.BasemapStyle.
If the URL represents a PortalItem that can be used to download vector tiles or style resources, the portalItem property will be populated when the task is loaded.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the apiKey property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onApiKeyChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
See also ApiKeyResource.
Emitted when the createDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatus property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onCreateDefaultExportVectorTilesParametersStatusChanged
Emitted when the credential property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onCredentialChanged
Emitted when the hasStyleResources property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onHasStyleResourcesChanged
Emitted when the loadStatus property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadStatusChanged
See also Loadable.
Emitted when the portalItem property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onPortalItemChanged
Emitted when the requestConfiguration property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onRequestConfigurationChanged
Emitted when the sourceInfo property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onSourceInfoChanged
Emitted when the url property of this ExportVectorTilesTask changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onUrlChanged
Method Documentation
Cancel the task with the ID taskId.
Returns false
if the task cannot be canceled or there is no task with the specified id taskId.
See also Cancelable.
ExportVectorTilesParameters createDefaultExportVectorTilesParameters(Geometry areaOfInterest, double maxScale) |
A convenience method to get properly initialized parameters for exporting vector tiles.
It will calculate the levels of detail (LODs) required based on the specified maxScale. Set to 0 to include all levels of detail.
The areaOfInterest represents the geographic area for which vector tiles are needed. The supported geometry types for the area of interest are Envelope and Polygon. The area of interest must have a spatial reference. Where a Polygon is supplied, tiles will be filtered according to the polygon geometry, which can help reduce the size of the resulting tile package. Note that the filtered set of tiles may vary, depending on the underlying service.
ExportVectorTilesJob exportStyleResourceCache(url itemResourcePath) |
Returns a job which can be used to download only the custom style from a vector tile layer.
The job will return the item resource cache without a vector tile cache. This is useful when a number of different styles are applied to the same underlying vector tile service. This avoids exporting multiple copies of the same tiles.
The style resource will be downloaded to the location specified in the itemResourcePath.
An ExportVectorTilesJob, representing the progress on the server, is returned. The result of the job will be of type ExportVectorTilesResult, which contains an ItemResourceCache that contains the style.
Note: The job is initially in the Enums.JobStatusNotStarted state. It can be started by calling Job::start(). The job should be deleted after completion.
See also Job.
ExportVectorTilesJob exportVectorTiles(ExportVectorTilesParameters parameters, url vectorTileCachePath) |
Returns a job which can be used to download a vector tile package from an ArcGIS service.
The extent and other characteristics of the output tile package are determined by the supplied parameters. The vector tile package will be downloaded to the location specified in the vectorTileCachePath.
An ExportVectorTilesJob, representing the progress on the server, is returned. The result of the job will be of type ExportVectorTilesResult, which contains a VectorTileCache that can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer.
Note: The job is initially in the Enums.JobStatusNotStarted state. It can be started by calling Job::start(). The job should be deleted after completion.
See also Job.
ExportVectorTilesJob exportVectorTilesWithStyleResources(ExportVectorTilesParameters parameters, url vectorTileCachePath, url itemResourcePath) |
Returns a job which can be used to download a vector tile package from an ArcGIS service.
The extent and other characteristics of the output vector tile package are determined by the supplied parameters. The vector tile package and style resource will be downloaded to the location specified in the vectorTileCachePath and itemResourcePath, respectively.
An ExportVectorTilesJob, representing the progress on the server, is returned. The result of the job will be of type ExportVectorTilesResult, which contains a VectorTileCache and ItemResourceCache. These can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer with a custom style.
Note: The job is initially in the Enums.JobStatusNotStarted state. It can be started by calling Job::start(). The job should be deleted after completion.
See also Job.