UtilityElement QML Type

An entity in a utility network that corresponds to a Feature. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.6




Detailed Description

UtilityElement includes a reference to a Feature inside a utility network source, plus a terminal (if applicable). UtilityElement objects are used across the utility network API. Some places where they are used are to specify starting points and barriers for use with tracing, and returned as results from tracing.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

assetGroup : UtilityAssetGroup

Returns the asset group that the UtilityElement belongs to (read-only).

assetType : UtilityAssetType

Returns the assetType of the UtilityElement (read-only).

fractionAlongEdge : double

How far the starting point or barrier is located along an edge in the utility network feature.

Valid values are from 0.0 (edge's start) to 1.0 (edge's end).

This property is only valid when the UtilityElement.globalId property refers to an edge feature that is an input to a tracing operation.

globalId : string

Returns the UUID of the element (read-only).

The globalId property is a UUID represented as a string.

Note: This will always contain brackets and any hex values will always be lower case.

For example, in code such as this, the input value will be converted:

// any of these are acceptable
const guid1 = "{221F7A6F-1234-4C7E-AB59-B71C16B7C3B0}";
const guid2 = "221F7A6F-1234-4C7E-AB59-B71C16B7C3B0";
const guid3 = "{221f7a6f-1234-4c7e-ab59-b71c16b7c3b0}";
const guid4 = "221f7a6f-1234-4c7e-ab59-b71c16b7c3b0";
const element = utilityNetwork.createElementWithAssetType(assetType, guid2);

const globalId = element.globalId;
// this will always match guid3 format (brackets and lower case) no matter
// which input was used

networkSource : UtilityNetworkSource

Returns the network source the UtilityElement is from (read-only).

This is only valid on results from a tracing operation, or with elements that are created from an ArcGISFeature. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned.

objectId : string

Returns the object ID of the corresponding feature in the networkSource as a string (read-only).

Note: The underlying Runtime property is represented as a 64-bit integer type. See Accessing 64-bit integer properties from QML.

See also objectIdAsInt.

objectIdAsInt : double

Returns the object ID of the UtilityElement as an integer type (read-only).

See also objectId.

terminal : UtilityTerminal

The UtilityTerminal of the starting point or barrier utility network feature.

This is only valid when UtilityElement.globalId refers to a device junction feature that has terminals.

valid : bool

Indicates whether or not the UtilityElement has complete data available (read-only).

When taking a UtilityNetwork offline, some of the data can be filtered out to limit the size of the data. This may leave some elements in an incomplete state. For example, one element of an association may be included in the offline dataset while the other element may not.

When an element is incomplete, the following properties should not be used:

When valid is false, the UtilityAssetType is assumed to have a UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics of UtilityAssociationDeletionSemanticsRestricted.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the fractionAlongEdge property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onFractionAlongEdgeChanged.


Emitted when the terminal property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTerminalChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

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