MultilayerPolylineSymbol QML Type

A multi-layer polyline symbol. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2




Detailed Description

This is a polyline symbol with multiple layers. Each layer has its own properties, like width and dash patterns, that can be combined to create line symbols with special effects (a solid road with dashed pattern on top to show the center line, for example). These symbols are rendered with polyline geometry.

Note: Symbol layers in a multilayer symbol are in reverse order of how they appear in the JSON representation.

// in this multilayer symbol pseudocode json, the 'symbolLayers' ordered list of symbol
// layers contains a black solid stroke symbol layer followed by a red solid stroke symbol layer.
{ "symbolLayers": [{"type": "CIMSolidStroke", "color": "black"},{"type": "CIMSolidStroke", "color": "red"}],"type": "CIMPolylineSymbol" }

// this is the red solid stroke symbol layer, the reverse order from the json representation
const symbolLayerIndexZero = multilayerSymbol.symboLayers.get(0);

// this is the black solid stroke symbol layer, the reverse order from the json representation
const symbolLayerIndexOne = multilayerSymbol.symboLayers.get(1);

Property Documentation

initSimpleLineSymbol : SimpleLineSymbol

A SimpleLineSymbol that can be used to instantiate this MultilayerPolylineSymbol.

This property can only be assigned during instantiation, and only set once. Any changes made to this property after initial assignment will not be reflected in the MultilayerPolylineSymbol.

Note: This is a convenience property only and equivalent to calling SimpleLineSymbol.toMultilayerSymbol() to create this object.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

width : real

The width in device independent pixels (DIPs).

When getting the width from a multilayer polyline symbol, the value reported is the largest width of all the symbol layers it contains. The symbol width is updated when its symbol layer widths change (if there is a new largest layer width). When setting a new width at the polyline symbol level, the width of the largest symbol layer is given the provided value, and all the smaller layers are sized proportionately. An individual symbol layer can be given a specific width without affecting the other layers.

When getting the width from a multilayer polyline symbol, the value reported is the largest width of all the symbol layers it contains. The symbol width is updated when its symbol layer widths change (if there is a new largest layer width). When setting a new width at the polyline symbol level, the width of the largest symbol layer is given the provided value, and all the smaller layers are sized proportionately. An individual symbol layer can be given a specific width without affecting the other layers.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the initSimpleLineSymbol property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onInitSimpleLineSymbolChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.5.


Emitted when the width property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onWidthChanged.

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