A basemap that can be displayed in a map. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: | |
Inherited By: | BasemapDarkGrayCanvasVector, BasemapImagery, BasemapImageryWithLabels, BasemapImageryWithLabelsVector, BasemapLightGrayCanvas, BasemapLightGrayCanvasVector, BasemapNationalGeographic, BasemapNavigationVector, BasemapOceans, BasemapOpenStreetMap, BasemapStreets, BasemapStreetsNightVector, BasemapStreetsVector, BasemapStreetsWithReliefVector, BasemapTerrainWithLabels, BasemapTerrainWithLabelsVector, BasemapTopographic, and BasemapTopographicVector |
- apiKey : string
- baseLayers : LayerListModel
- credential : Credential
- error : Error
- initStyle : Enums.BasemapStyle
- item : ArcGISItem
- json : jsobject
- loadError : Error
- loadStatus : Enums.LoadStatus
- name : string
- referenceLayers : LayerListModel
- requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration
- unknownJson : jsobject
- unsupportedJson : jsobject
- url : url
- apiKeyChanged()
- credentialChanged()
- initStyleChanged()
- itemChanged()
- loadErrorChanged()
- loadStatusChanged()
- nameChanged()
- requestConfigurationChanged()
- urlChanged()
- void cancelLoad()
- void load()
- void retryLoad()
Detailed Description
A basemap provides a background of geographic context for the content you want to display in the map. It is used for locational reference and provides a framework on which you can overlay operational layers, perform analysis, and visualize geographic information. Thus, the basemap serves as a foundation and provides a framework for working with information geographically.
A basemap is composed of a collection of baseLayers and referenceLayers. Base layers are displayed at the bottom of a map, and reference layers are displayed at the top, with the map's operational layers sandwiched between them. The content of a basemap is typically static and does not change frequently.
ArcGIS Online provides a number of ready-to-use basemaps such as streets, topographic, shaded relief, and so on. If you prefer, you can also create your own basemap by mashing up layers.
Typically, you will use one basemap layer that is drawn beneath all other layers, but you can also add a basemap layer on top of all other layers to depict boundaries, labels, or a road network. In order to take advantage of geographically load balanced services and monitor usage with API keys or named users, use initStyle.
This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.
Type | Default Property |
Layer | baseLayers (appends to model) |
ArcGISItem | item |
Credential | credential (since Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10) |
RequestConfiguration | requestConfiguration (since Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10) |
Add a tiled map service to your map's basemap:
Map { id: map Basemap { ArcGISTiledLayer { url: sampleServerWorldStreetMapUrl } } }
See also ApiKeyResource, JsonSerializable, and Loadable.
Property Documentation
Returns the API key.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.11.
See also ApiKeyResource.
[default] baseLayers : LayerListModel |
Returns the base layers (read-only).
This property may be populated after the basemap loads.
The collection is specific to a basemap, so you cannot reuse a layer collection coming from another Map or Basemap.
See also GeoModel::operationalLayers and Basemap::baseLayers.
[default] credential : Credential |
The credential to be used to access a secured basemap.
A credential can only be provided before the basemap is loaded.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
Returns the Enums.BasemapStyle that was used to instantiate the basemap.
This can only be assigned one time and only during instantiation.
If the basemap was created by some other means than this property, this value will return Enums.BasemapStyleNone
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
[default] item : ArcGISItem |
A item that can be used to initialize the Basemap.
Note that this property can only be changed or assigned before the basemap is loaded with layers.
See also Loadable.
loadError : Error |
Returns the load error (read-only).
Note: load errors are also reported on the error
property and emit the errorChanged
See also Loadable.
Returns the load status (read-only).
See also Loadable and Enums.LoadStatus.
referenceLayers : LayerListModel |
Returns the LayerListModel of the referenceLayers (read-only).
This property may be populated after the basemap loads.
[default] requestConfiguration : RequestConfiguration |
The configuration parameters used for network requests sent by this basemap.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
Returns the unknown JSON from the source JSON.
See also JsonSerializable.
Returns the unsupported data from the source JSON.
See also JsonSerializable.
Returns the URL of the Basemap.
url may be a direct URL to web map JSON content or the URL of a portal item.
The URL can be one of three possible types:
- The item details page :
- The map view page :
- The sharing data page :
Note: This property may only be assigned before the Basemap is loaded.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the apiKey property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onApiKeyChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.11.
Emitted when the credential property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onCredentialChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
Emitted when the initStyle property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onInitStyleChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
Emitted when the item property of this Basemap changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onItemChanged
Emitted when the loadStatus property of this Basemap changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadStatusChanged
See also Loadable.
Emitted when the name property of this Basemap changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onNameChanged
Emitted when the requestConfiguration property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onRequestConfigurationChanged
This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.
Emitted when the url property of this Basemap changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onUrlChanged
Method Documentation
Cancels loading if it is in progress.
See also Loadable.
See also Loadable.
See also Loadable.