Container for helper services that are provided by the portal. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: |
- analysisServiceUrl : url
- asyncClosestFacilityServiceUrl : url
- asyncLocationAllocationServiceUrl : url
- asyncODCostMatrixServiceUrl : url
- asyncServiceAreaServiceUrl : url
- asyncVRPServiceUrl : url
- closestFacilityServiceUrl : url
- defaultElevationServices : list<ElevationServiceInfo>
- elevationServiceUrl : url
- elevationSyncServiceUrl : url
- geocodeServiceUrls : url
- geoenrichmentServiceUrl : url
- geometryServiceUrl : url
- hydrologyServiceUrl : url
- json : jsobject
- locationTrackingServiceUrl : url
- printTaskUrl : url
- routeServiceUrl : url
- serviceAreaServiceUrl : url
- syncVRPServiceUrl : url
- trafficServiceUrl : url
- unknownJson : jsobject
- unsupportedJson : jsobject
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Objects of this class are provided by the helperServices property of a PortalInfo object.
For detailed information about these services, see the "Services from Esri" topic within the ArcGIS REST API documentation.
The services include the following:
- analysis: Hosted geoprocessing services that perform analyses.
- asyncClosestFacility: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous closest-facility analysis.
- asyncLocationAllocation: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous location-allocation network analysis.
- asyncODCostMatrix: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for generating origin-destination cost matrices.
- asyncServiceArea: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous service-area analysis.
- asyncVRP: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for solving asynchronous vehicle routing problems.
- closestFacility: ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous closest-facility analysis.
- defaultElevationServices: Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer.
- elevation: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for elevation analysis.
- elevation3DService: Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer (obsolete).
- elevationSync: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for elevation analysis.
- geocode: Array of ArcGIS geocoding services to use for geocoding.
- geoenrichment: ArcGIS GeoenrichmentServer.
- geometry: ArcGIS GeometryServer to use for geometry functions.
- hydrology: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for hydrologic analysis.
- locationTracking: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for location tracking analysis.
- printTask: ArcGIS PrintServer task to use for printing functionality.
- route: ArcGIS NAServer to use for routing functionality.
- serviceArea: ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous service-area analysis.
- syncVRP: ArcGIS NAServer service for solving synchronous vehicle routing problems.
- traffic: ArcGIS TrafficMapServer service for traffic functionality.
See also PortalInfo and Portal Self (ArcGIS REST API).
Property Documentation
Returns the URL of hosted geoprocessing services that perform analyses (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous closest facility service (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous location-allocation service (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous Origin Destination Cost Matrix service (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous service-area service (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous vehicle routing problem service (read-only).
Returns the URL of the asynchronous closest facility service (read-only).
defaultElevationServices : list<ElevationServiceInfo> |
Returns information about Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation services used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer.
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.5.
Returns the URL of the asynchronous elevation analysis services (read-only).
JSON data that can be used to instantiate the PortalHelperServices.
Returns the URL of the location tracking service (read-only).
This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.5.
Returns the URL of the synchronous vehicle routing problem service (read-only).
Returns the unknown JSON from the source JSON.
Unknown JSON is a jsobject containing the key/value pairs present in the source JSON that are supported by web maps, but not exposed through the native Runtime API.
See also JsonSerializable.
Returns the unsupported data from the source JSON.
Unsupported JSON is a jsobject containing the JSON present in the source JSON that are supported by web maps, but not exposed through the native Runtime API.
See also JsonSerializable.