FenceParameters QML Type

Geotrigger fence data required for a FenceGeotrigger. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12


Inherited By:

FeatureFenceParameters, GraphicFenceParameters, and GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters




Detailed Description

The FenceParameters defines all of the target geometries of a FenceGeotrigger. Typically, it is made up of many polygons that objects from the GeotriggerFeed can enter or exit. However, if you set a bufferDistance, point and line geometry can also be used. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the fence data would be "my target areas".

Fence data can be created as one of:

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

bufferDistance : double

A buffer distance in meters to apply when checking if a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.

For example, if the rule is "enters within 50 meters" you use a FenceGeotrigger.ruleType of Enums.FenceRuleTypeEnter and set this property to 50.

Buffers are Geodetic and created using the following default values:

If your fences use point or polyline Geometry then you must set this property to a value greater than 0.

fenceParametersType : Enums.FenceParametersType

The type of fence data (read-only).

The type for a specific fence data object.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the bufferDistance property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBufferDistanceChanged.

Method Documentation

FenceParameters createFromGeoElement(GeoElement geoElement, double bufferDistance)

A static method that returns a fence parameters initialized from a geo element and a buffer distance.

  • geoElement - A GeoElement to use as a fence area.
  • bufferDistance - The buffer distance to apply around fence geometry.

This method creates the appropriate type of FenceParameters based on the type of the GeoElement that was supplied. The supported types of GeoElement are Graphic and Feature.

If passed an unsupported GeoElement, this method will return null.

This method can only be accessed via the Factory object.

Factory.FenceParameters.createFromGeoElement(geoElement, bufferDistance);

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