The result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.1 |
Inherits: |
- hasErrors : bool
- layerErrors : list<LayerErrorPair>
- mobileMapPackage : MobileMapPackage
- offlineMap : Map
- tableErrors : list<FeatureTableErrorPair>
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
Property Documentation
Returns whether there is at least one layer or table that could not be taken offline (read-only).
layerErrors : list<LayerErrorPair> |
Returns any errors associated with layers that could not be taken offline (read-only).
mobileMapPackage : MobileMapPackage |
Returns the mobile map package containing the offline map (read-only).
offlineMap : Map |
Returns the offline map (read-only).
tableErrors : list<FeatureTableErrorPair> |
Returns any errors associated with feature tables that could not be taken offline (read-only).