OfflineSettings QML Type

Settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.5



Detailed Description

Offline settings can be configured by a web map author to provide default values which are appropriate for taking a map offline. Applications which take the map offline can choose to ignore these settings when creating parameters for an OfflineMapTask.

Note: the following methods will use offline settings to set default parameters for an OfflineMapTask:

Property Documentation

attachmentSyncDirection : Enums.AttachmentSyncDirection

A setting configured by the web map author that provides guidance for how attachments should be synced when working offline.

  • If this setting is Enums.AttachmentSyncDirectionNone, then attachments should never be uploaded or downloaded when performing a sync operation.
  • If this setting is Enums.AttachmentSyncDirectionUpload, then attachments should be uploaded when performing sync.
  • If this setting is Enums.AttachmentSyncDirectionBidirectional, then attachments should be uploaded and downloaded when performing sync.

This value can be used to set a default for GenerateOfflineMapParameters::attachmentSyncDirection. Alternatively, using OfflineMapTask::createDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParameters will pre-populate the parameters using this property.

See also Enums.AttachmentSyncDirection.

onlineLayers : list<Layer>

List of layers that the web map author determined will remain online when the map is taken offline (read-only).

Layers may be selected to remain online because they do not support being taken offline or to provide live contextual information such as traffic or weather.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

onlineTables : list<ServiceFeatureTable>

List of non-spatial tables that the web map author determined will remain online when the map is taken offline (read-only).

Tables may be selected to remain online because they do not support being taken offline or to provide live contextual information such as traffic or weather.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

referenceBasemapFilename : string

The name of a local basemap file, which can be used instead of downloading a basemap when taking this map offline.

Supported basemap formats are:

  • .tpk
  • .tpkx
  • .vtpk

The web map author can set this property to denote an appropriate basemap file. Client code is responsible for ensuring that the basemap is available on the local file system.

This property can be used to inform settings for:

returnLayerAttachmentOption : Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOption

A setting configured by the web map author that indicates which feature layers should include attachments when taken offline.

Based on the value of this setting, attachments should be included with:

  • None of the layers when the value is Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOptionNone.
  • All of the layers when the value is Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOptionAllLayers.
  • Read only layers when the value isEnums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOptionReadOnlyLayers.
  • Editable layers when the value is Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOptionEditableLayers.

This value can be used to set a default for GenerateOfflineMapParameters::returnLayerAttachmentOption. Alternatively, using OfflineMapTask::createDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParameters will pre-populate the parameters using this property.

See also Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOption.

returnSchemaOnlyForEditableLayers : bool

A setting configured by the web map author that indicates whether feature layers taken offline should be schema only and contain no data.

If true, this setting means that feature layers should be taken offline with no existing data in them. If false, this setting means that existing features should be included when taking data offline for an editing workflow.

This value can be used to set a default for GenerateOfflineMapParameters::returnSchemaOnlyForEditableLayers. Alternatively, using OfflineMapTask::createDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParameters will pre-populate the parameters using this property.

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