SymbolStyleSearchParameters QML Type

Search parameters used to search for symbols in a SymbolStyle. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0




Detailed Description

SymbolStyleSearchParameters allow you to specify different parameters when searching a symbol dictionary with SymbolStyle::searchSymbols. For example, you may want to search for any symbols where the category is "2", the name contains "destroyed", and the tags contain "Protection Lines".

Note: Each parameter category uses the OR operator for searching. For example, if you specify "friendly" and "tank" in the tags string list, it will return results that either have "friendly" or "tank" in the tags. Conversely, each individual parameter category uses the AND operator. For example, if you add "friendly" to the tags string list, and "5" to the categories string list, it will only return features that are both "friendly" and in category 5.

Property Documentation

categories : list<string>

The string list of categories in this SymbolStyleSearchParameters.

For example, with mil2525d you may want to search for symbols where the categories are "Activities : Main Icon" or "Sea Surface : Main Icon".

categoriesStrictlyMatch : bool

Whether the category search should enforce a StrictlyMatch.

A strict match will force the search to use "=", as opposed to "LIKE". The default value is false.

empty : bool

Whether all the list attributes are empty.

Returns true if the lists for categories, keys, names, symbolClasses and tags are all empty. This does not consider any of the StrictlyMatch properties.

keys : list<string>

The string list of keys in this SymbolStyleSearchParameters.

For example, with mil2525d you may want to search for symbols where the keys are "25272100" or "2_635_1c".

keysStrictlyMatch : bool

Whether the key search should enforce a StrictlyMatch.

A strict match will force the search to use "=", as opposed to "LIKE". The default value is false.

names : list<string>

The string list of names in this SymbolStyleSearchParameters.

For example, with mil2525d you may want to search for symbols where the names are "Ship Propulsion : Nuclear Powered" or "Simulation : Friend : Air".

namesStrictlyMatch : bool

Whether the name search should enforce a StrictlyMatch.

A strict match will force the search to use "=", as opposed to "LIKE". The default value is false.

symbolClasses : list<string>

The string list of symbol classes in this SymbolStyleSearchParameters.

For example, with mil2525d you may want to search for symbols where the symbol classes are "3" (Point Symbol) or "7" (North Arrow).

symbolClassesStrictlyMatch : bool

Whether the symbol classes search should enforce a StrictlyMatch.

A strict match will force the search to use "=", as opposed to "LIKE". The default value is false.

tags : list<string>

The string list of tags in this SymbolStyleSearchParameters.

For example, with mil2525d you may want to search for symbols where the tags include "Airspace Control Points" or "Meteorological - Oceanographic".

tagsStrictlyMatch : bool

Whether the tag search should enforce a StrictlyMatch.

A strict match will force the search to use "=", as opposed to "LIKE". The default value is false.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the categories property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCategoriesChanged.


Emitted when the categoriesStrictlyMatch property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCategoriesStrictlyMatchChanged.


Emitted when the empty property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onEmptyChanged.


Emitted when the keys property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onKeysChanged.


Emitted when the keysStrictlyMatch property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onKeysStrictlyMatchChanged.


Emitted when the names property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onNamesChanged.


Emitted when the namesStrictlyMatch property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onNamesStrictlyMatchChanged.


Emitted when the symbolClasses property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSymbolClassesChanged.


Emitted when the symbolClassesStrictlyMatch property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSymbolClassesStrictlyMatchChanged.


Emitted when the tags property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTagsChanged.


Emitted when the tagsStrictlyMatch property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTagsStrictlyMatchChanged.

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