An interface for asynchronously loading data to initialize an object. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
- loadError : Error
- loadStatus : Enums.LoadStatus
- void cancelLoad()
- void load()
- void retryLoad()
Detailed Description
A resource that is capable of loading its metadata asynchronously is referred to as a loadable. Such a resource could represent a remote service or a dataset on disk.
All classes that implement Loadable include two signals.
void Loadable::doneLoading(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error error)
- error - The load error if any error occurred.
void Loadable::loadStatusChanged(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus loadStatus)
- loadStatus - An enumeration indicating load status.
Types that implement Loadable
A Feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable | |
A feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service | |
A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Map service | |
A layer that displays 3D features from a scene service | |
A sublayer of a Layer | |
A tile based elevation source | |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service, by using pre-generated tiles | |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source | |
This object allows you to evaluate an ArcadeExpression under a given Enums.ArcadeProfile | |
A basemap that can be displayed in a map | |
A Bing Maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery metadata | |
A task to find a closest facility route between facilities and incidents | |
An object that defines a contingent values definition | |
Base class for elevation source classes such as ArcGISTiledElevationSource | |
A single Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) data source object | |
An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) exchange set object | |
A layer that displays ENC data | |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) | |
A task used to export vector tiles and their style resources | |
A container for a collection of FeatureCollectionTables | |
A layer that can display features from a FeatureTable on a map | |
Base type for types that represent a table of features | |
Manages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels | |
A base class for either a Map or a Scene | |
Open, standards-based, compact format for transferring geospatial information | |
A mobile geodatabase on the local file system | |
A feature table coming from a geodatabase | |
A task to download and sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase | |
Used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service | |
Presents information on a set of Geotrigger objects defined for a GeoModel | |
A Layer that supports image adjustments | |
A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene | |
A base type for layers that display cached maps | |
Contains information on offline resources, typically associated with a custom style for an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer | |
Contains the current state of the KML data specified in a KML/KMZ file | |
Base type for layer types | |
A task for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding that supports both online and offline capabilities | |
A map which can be displayed on the screen using a map view | |
A layer that can display the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package | |
A mobile map package | |
Instances of this class represent a mobile scene package (.mspk file) | |
Used to display Point or Multipoint GeoElements in a scene using a 3D model | |
A geodatabase model designed for managing a collection of raster images | |
A task with methods related to synchronizing an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services | |
A task with methods related to taking a map offline and synchronizing online and offline maps | |
An OGC API - Features service | |
A layer that displays OpenStreetMap map tiles | |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a Polygon GeoElement | |
A symbol layer that fills polygon geometry with an image | |
Uses an image to symbolize GeoElements that have Point or Multipoint | |
Represents a symbol layer used to place a picture marker on a point geometry | |
An attachment to a Popup, which contains the attachment data and some additional metadata about the attachment | |
Represents a view into a portal by a user, either anonymous or with a Credential | |
Represents a group within a Portal or Organization | |
An item in a portal | |
Represents a registered user of a portal or organization | |
Represents a single preplanned offline map area | |
Represents raster data that can be rendered using a RasterLayer | |
A file-based raster elevation source | |
An operation that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly processing | |
Represents arguments associated with a raster function | |
A RasterLayer is used to render data from a Raster onto a Map | |
A task to find a Route between two or more locations | |
A scene which can be displayed on the screen using a scene view | |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location | |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service | |
A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable instances connected to a feature service | |
A base class for all image tiled layers that fetches map tiles from a remote service | |
Class containing elevation sources | |
A symbol style object | |
A local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined | |
A utility network | |
This class represents the metadata for a local cache of vector map tiles that can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer | |
A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template | |
A table in an OGC Web Feature Service | |
An OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) layer | |
Represents an OGC Web Map Service (WMS) | |
Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer | |
An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | |
Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) |
See also loadError and loadStatus.
Property Documentation
The Enums.LoadStatus of the Loadable object.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the loadError property of this Loadable object changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadErrorChanged
Emitted when the loadStatus property of this object changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadStatusChanged
Method Documentation
Cancels loading the metadata if the object is loading.
The effect of calling this method depends on the load status of the object:
- If this object is loading, it will stop loading.
- If this object is not loading, this method does nothing.
Loads metadata for the object asynchronously.
Loads the metadata if the object is not loaded. The Loadable::loadStatus property reflects the status of the load operation. You can call this method any number of times. However, only one attempt is made to load the data. The effect of calling this method depends on the load status of the object:
- If the object has not started loading, it will start to load.
- If the object is already loading, it will continue to load. This method does nothing.
- If the object has already loaded successfully, this method does nothing.
- If the object has already failed to load, this method does nothing. You can try loading the object again by calling retryLoad().
Loads or retries loading metadata for the object asynchronously.
Will retry loading the metadata if the object failed to load. Will load the object if it is not loaded. Will not retry to load the object if the object is loaded.
This method should be called when the issues which resulted in an earlier load failure have been resolved. For example, it should be called when:
- You didn't have network connectivity earlier when loading failed and you want to retry now that you have connectivity.
- The server was down earlier when loading failed and you want to retry.
- The request is taking too long and you want to cancel it and retry, in which case you will first call cancelLoad() and then this method.