LineOfSight QML Type

A base type containing common functionality for line-of-sight analysis objects. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2


Inherited By:

GeoElementLineOfSight and LocationLineOfSight




Detailed Description

The LineOfSight analysis result is a line rendered between the observer and target with distinct colors representing visible and obstructed segments.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

targetVisibility : Enums.LineOfSightTargetVisibility

The target visibility state of the LineOfSight (read-only).

See also Enums.LineOfSightTargetVisibility.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the targetVisibility property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTargetVisibilityChanged.

Method Documentation

real lineWidth()

Returns the line width used to render LineOfSight analysis results.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also setLineWidth().

color obstructedColor()

Returns the color used to render segments that are not visible along LineOfSight analysis results.

Sections of the line between the observer and the target that are obstructed (not visible) are drawn with the specified color.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also setObstructedColor().

void setLineWidth(float lineWidth)

Sets the line width used to render LineOfSight analysis results to lineWidth.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also lineWidth().

void setObstructedColor(color obstructedColor)

Sets the color used to render segments that are not visible along LineOfSight analysis results to obstructedColor.

Sections of the line between the observer and the target that are obstructed (not visible) are drawn with the specified color.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also obstructedColor().

void setVisibleColor(color visibleColor)

Sets the color used to render segments that are visible along LineOfSight analysis results to visibleColor.

Sections of the line between the observer and the target that are visible are drawn with the specified color.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also visibleColor().

color visibleColor()

Returns the color used to render segments that are visible along LineOfSight analysis results.

Sections of the line between the observer and the target that are visible are drawn with the specified color.

This is a global setting and applies to all LineOfSight analyses within the application.

See also setVisibleColor().

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