OfflineMapUpdatesInfo QML Type

Provides information on the available updates for an offline map. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.6



Detailed Description

This type provides high level information on what updates are available for an offline map. Update information covers:

  • Online changes that can be applied to update your offline map
  • Local changes from your offline map that can be sent back to the online services.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

downloadAvailability : Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailability

Indicates whether there are changes available to download (read-only).

If this property is Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailabilityAvailable then there are online updates to apply to your offline map.

If this property is Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailabilityNone then there are no online updates available for your offline map.

Note that the availability of updates to download can only be determined for offline maps that use the scheduled updates workflow. See Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeDownloadScheduledUpdates and Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeDownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures. If your offline map is set up to download changes directly from the feature services (for example using Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeSyncWithFeatureServices or created with a GenerateOfflineMapJob), then this property will be Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailabilityIndeterminate.

mobileMapPackageReopenRequired : bool

Indicates whether the mobile map package must be reopened after applying the available updates (read-only).

In some cases, applying updates may require files, such as mobile geodatabases, to be replaced with a new version. When a reopen will be required after updating, this property will be true. See OfflineMapSyncResult::mobileMapPackageReopenRequired.

If your offline map was created using Enums.PreplannedUpdateModeDownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures, be aware that immediately following replacement, the new geodatabase will not contain the new features that have been synced up to the feature service. The uploaded features can be downloaded after the next scheduled update has executed and changes are available for download.

scheduledUpdatesDownloadSize : string

The total size in bytes of update files to download for a scheduled updates workflow (read-only).

Note: The underlying Runtime property is represented as a 64-bit integer type. See Accessing 64-bit integer properties from QML.

The scheduled updates workflow allows read-only updates to be stored with the online map area and downloaded to your device at a later time. Updates can cover several sets of changes to the online geodatabase and can cover multiple geodatabases in an offline map. This property is the total download size of all files required to update your offline map.

You can use this information to determine whether you want to download updates immediately - for example based on available disk space or network availability.

If there are no updates available, or your offline map does not use a scheduled updates workflow, this property will be 0.

scheduledUpdatesDownloadSizeAsInt : int

The same as scheduledUpdatesDownloadSize but represented as an integer type.

Note: The underlying Runtime property is represented as a 64-bit integer type. See Accessing 64-bit integer properties from QML.

uploadAvailability : Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailability

Indicates whether there are local changes to upload (read-only).

If your offline map contains local edits that can be uploaded to online feature services, this property will be Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailabilityAvailable.

If there are no local changes, or your offline map does not support syncing with feature services, this property will be \l {Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailability}{Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailabilityNone}.

See also Geodatabase::hasLocalEdits.

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