RouteParameters QML Type

Parameters for a RouteTask, such as stops, barriers, and whether to return directions. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0





Detailed Description

Stops and barriers can be in any spatial reference, and do not need to be reprojected to match the network dataset's spatial reference. However, all of the stops and barriers must be in the same spatial reference. For example, the network dataset could be in WKID 4326, and your map, stops, and barriers could all be in WKID 3857. The RouteTask will automatically reproject the stops and barriers, and output the Route in whatever output spatial reference is specified.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code. RouteParameters must be retrieved from the RouteTask so it will be assigned necessary defaults required to solve routes.

See also RouteTask::createDefaultParameters.

Property Documentation

accumulateAttributeNames : list<string>

A list of network attribute names to be accumulated with the analysis.

directionsDistanceUnits : Enums.UnitSystem

The units in which the length information will be reported in the route directions.

See also Enums.UnitSystem.

directionsLanguage : string

The language of the resulting route directions.

directionsStyle : Enums.DirectionsStyle

The style of the resulting route directions.

See also Enums.DirectionsStyle.

findBestSequence : bool

Whether the analysis should reorder stops to find the optimized route.

If the parameter value is false, the analysis returns a route that visits stops in the order you define. The order you define is the order that the stops are encountered in the array of stops in the RouteParameters. For example, the Stop at index zero is first, index 1 is second, and so on. If the parameter value is true, the analysis disregards the order you defined, and finds the best order to visit the stops. You can elect to preserve the first and/or the last stops while allowing the service to reorder intermediary stops by setting preserveFirstStop and preserveLastStop.

The default is false.

Note: A value of true causes the analysis to switch from solving a shortest-path problem to a traveling salesperson problem (TSP). Solving a TSP is computer-intensive operation and if using an online subscription-based service (e.g. ArcGIS Online) may incur additional service credits per route.

outputSpatialReference : SpatialReference

The output spatial reference.

preserveFirstStop : bool

Whether the analysis should preserve the first stop order.

This parameter is applicable only if findBestSequence is true.

preserveLastStop : bool

Whether the analysis should preserve the last stop order.

This parameter is applicable only if findBestSequence is true.

returnDirections : bool

Whether directions are returned with the RouteResult.

returnPointBarriers : bool

Whether point barriers are returned with the RouteResult.

Reusing the PointBarriers from the RouteResult (as opposed to using the original PointBarriers) can increase the speed of any following route calculations.

returnPolygonBarriers : bool

Whether polygon barriers are returned with the RouteResult.

Reusing the PolygonBarriers from the RouteResult (as opposed to using the original PolygonBarriers) can increase the speed of any subsequent route calculations. This is particularly true for complex polygons.

returnPolylineBarriers : bool

Whether polyline barriers are returned with the RouteResult.

Reusing the PolylineBarriers from the RouteResult (as opposed to using the original PolylineBarriers) can increase the speed of any subsequent route calculations. This is particularly true for complex polylines.

returnRoutes : bool

Whether routes are returned with the RouteResult.

returnStops : bool

Whether stops are returned with the RouteResult.

routeShapeType : Enums.RouteShapeType

The output shape type for a route.

See also Enums.RouteShapeType.

startTime : date

The start time of the route in UTC time.

travelMode : TravelMode

The travel mode for a route.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the accumulateAttributeNames property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAccumulateAttributeNamesChanged.


Emitted when the directionsDistanceUnits property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDirectionsDistanceUnitsChanged.


Emitted when the directionsLanguage property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDirectionsLanguageChanged.


Emitted when the directionsStyle property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDirectionsStyleChanged.


Emitted when the findBestSequence property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onFindBestSequenceChanged.


Emitted when the outputSpatialReference property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onOutputSpatialReferenceChanged.


Emitted when the preserveFirstStop property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onPreserveFirstStopChanged.


Emitted when the preserveLastStop property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onPreserveLastStopChanged.


Emitted when the returnDirections property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnDirectionsChanged.


Emitted when the returnPointBarriers property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnPointBarriersChanged.


Emitted when the returnPolygonBarriers property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnPolygonBarriersChanged.


Emitted when the returnPolylineBarriers property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnPolylineBarriersChanged.


Emitted when the returnRoutes property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnRoutesChanged.


Emitted when the returnStops property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onReturnStopsChanged.


Emitted when the routeShapeType property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRouteShapeTypeChanged.


Emitted when the startTime property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStartTimeChanged.


Emitted when the travelMode property of this RouteParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTravelModeChanged.

Method Documentation

void clearPointBarriers()

Clears the point barriers that have been set on this RouteParameters.

void clearPolygonBarriers()

Clears the polygon barriers that have been set on this RouteParameters.

void clearPolylineBarriers()

Clears the polyline barriers that have been set on this RouteParameters.

void clearStops()

Clears the stops that have been set on this RouteParameters.

string searchWhereClause(string sourceName)

Returns the search WHERE clause from the specified sourceName.

See also setSearchWhereClause().

void setPointBarriers(list<PointBarriers> pointBarriers)

Sets the pointBarriers for a RouteTask by providing a list of PointBarrier.

void setPointBarriersWithFeatureTable(ArcGISFeatureTable featureTable, QueryParameters queryParameters)

Sets the point barriers for a RouteTask by providing a featureTable filtered with queryParameters.

void setPolygonBarriers(list<PolygonBarriers> polygonBarriers)

Sets the polygonBarriers for a RouteTask by providing a list of PolygonBarrier.

void setPolygonBarriersWithFeatureTable(ArcGISFeatureTable featureTable, QueryParameters queryParameters)

Sets the polygon barriers for a RouteTask by providing a featureTable filtered with queryParameters.

void setPolylineBarriers(list<PolylineBarriers> polylineBarriers)

Sets the polylineBarriers for a RouteTask by providing a list of PolygonBarrier.

void setPolylineBarriersWithFeatureTable(ArcGISFeatureTable featureTable, QueryParameters queryParameters)

Sets the polyline barriers for a RouteTask by providing a featureTable filtered with queryParameters.

void setSearchWhereClause(string sourceName, string searchWhereClause)

Sets the searchWhereClause for the specified sourceName.

This filters the potential matches returned from the task based on an expression.

Note: Search WHERE clauses are not supported for online route tasks. They are only supported when solving local route tasks.

See also searchWhereClause().

void setStops(list<Stop> stops)

Sets the stops for a RouteTask by providing a list of Stop.

A minimum of 2 stops are required to complete a RouteTask.

void setStopsWithFeatureTable(ArcGISFeatureTable featureTable, QueryParameters queryParameters)

Sets the stops for a RouteTask by providing a featureTable filtered with queryParameters.

A minimum of 2 stops are required to complete a RouteTask.

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