ArcGISFeature QML Type

A Feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0





Detailed Description

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

An ArcGISFeature can contain:

  • A set of attributes that describe the real-world entity it represents.
  • A geometry that defines its location and shape. The geometry might contain m-values, which are typically used for linear referencing.
  • Zero or more feature attachments, such as images or documents.

A feature's attribute values can be changed, but attribute definitions cannot be added, deleted, or modified.

If you create a ServiceFeatureTable from the URL of a feature service, features in the table are initially in one of the following states:

  • A minimum set of attributes are available in the table, and m-values are omitted. This is an optimization for faster rendering.
  • All attributes defined by the service are available in the table, including m-values, which might be NaN.

The initial state of features is determined by the feature request mode of the table. For important details, see Enums.FeatureRequestMode.

By default, a query on ArcGISFeatures in a minimum state will return them in the same state. To access all attributes (or the m-values) of features returned by a query, you must load the features. You can do one of the following:

An ArcGISFeature is loadable. Depending on a ServiceFeatureTable's feature request mode, queries on the table can return ArcGISFeature objects which have the minimum set of attributes required for rendering and labeling (and geometries do not include m-values). See ServiceFeatureTable::queryFeaturesWithFieldOptions. Also see Enums.FeatureRequestModeOnInteractionCache and Enums.FeatureRequestModeOnInteractionNoCache. To access all attributes in the returned ArcGISFeatures, call this method on each feature. For alternative ways to load all attributes in the returned features, see ServiceFeatureTable::loadOrRefreshFeatures() or ServiceFeatureTable::queryFeaturesWithFieldOptions.

For more information, see the class description for ServiceFeatureTable.

See also Loadable and Loadable.

Property Documentation

attachments : AttachmentListModel

Returns the list of attachments on this feature.

Attachments are returned in descending order based on their ID.

canEditAttachments : bool

Specifies if the attachments of this feature are editable (read-only).

canUpdateGeometry : bool

Specifies if the geometry of this feature can be updated (read-only).

It takes into account the feature table properties, as well as ownership-based access control.

loadError : Error

Returns the load error (read-only).

Note: load errors are also reported on the error property and emit the errorChanged signal.

See also Loadable.

loadStatus : Enums.LoadStatus

Returns the load status (read-only).

See also Loadable and Enums.LoadStatus.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the canEditAttachments property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCanEditAttachmentsChanged.


Emitted when the canUpdateGeometry property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCanUpdateGeometryChanged.


Emitted when the loadError property of this ArcGISFeature changes.

Note: load errors are also reported on the error property and emit the errorChanged signal.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadErrorChanged.

See also Loadable and Object.


Emitted when the loadStatus property of this ArcGISFeature changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLoadStatusChanged.

See also Loadable.

Method Documentation

void cancelLoad()

See also Loadable.

FeatureSubtype featureSubtype()

Gets the corresponding FeatureSubtype for this feature.

If this feature belongs to an ArcGISFeatureTable that defines a ArcGISFeatureTable::subtypeField, a FeatureSubtype that matches FeatureSubtype::code with this feature's attribute value for subtype field is returned; otherwise, this will return null.

This method was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

void load()

See also Loadable.

void relateFeature(ArcGISFeature feature)

Sets up a relationship between this feature and a given feature.

If this relationship is keyed on an Object ID or Global ID, and the origin feature in this call has been created locally, first you must call ServiceFeatureTable::applyEdits and refreshObjectId to obtain the new object ID and global ID generated by the service. If this is not done, then the destination feature will refer to an outdated ID and will not be considered related.

This method was introduced in Qt 100.1.

void relateFeatureWithRelationshipInfo(ArcGISFeature feature, RelationshipInfo relationshipInfo)

Sets up a relationship between this feature and a given feature based on the relationshipInfo.

This method was introduced in Qt 100.1.

void retryLoad()

See also Loadable.

void unrelateFeature(ArcGISFeature feature)

Removes the relationship between this feature and a given feature.

This method was introduced in Qt 100.1.

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