FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo QML Type

A GeotriggerNotificationInfo from a FenceGeotrigger. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12


Detailed Description

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

fenceGeoElement : GeoElement

The GeoElement from the fence data that meets the FenceGeotrigger condition (read-only).

The GeoElement is one of the features or graphics from the FenceParameters used to create the FenceGeotrigger. Inspect the attributes and geometry properties for more details.

fenceGeometry : Geometry

The Geometry used for the fence that satisfies the FenceGeotrigger condition (read-only).

The original geometry of the fenceGeoElement, including any adjustments (such as applying buffers) and projected to WGS84. You can compare this with the Location::position of the corresponding GeotriggerNotificationInfo::feedLocation.

fenceId : string

Unique ID for the fence that triggered the notification info (read-only).

This property will be consistent for all notifications for a given fence. For example, use this ID to group enter and exit events for a specific fence to display the current occupancy.

You can combine this property with the GeotriggerNotificationInfo::feedEntityId to create an ID that groups all notifications for a given feed element and a specific fence. For example, use a concatenation of the two properties to display a list of areas of interest that are currently occupied and the details of who has entered them.

To group events by the geotrigger, use the Geotrigger::geotriggerId property.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

See also GeotriggerNotificationInfo::feedEntityId and Geotrigger::geotriggerId.

fenceNotificationType : Enums.FenceNotificationType

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