The authoringInfo is an object containing metadata about the authoring process for creating a renderer object. This allows the authoring clients to save specific overridable settings so that next time it is accessed via an authoring client, their selections are remembered. Non-authoring clients can ignore it. Properties for color/size/transparency sliders, theme selection, classification information, and additional properties are saved within this object.
Referenced by: ClassBreaks Renderer, Dot Density Renderer, Flow Renderer, Heatmap Renderer, Pie Chart Renderer, Predominance Renderer, Simple Renderer, UniqueValue Renderer
Property | Details |
classificationMethod | Used for classed color or size. The default value is esriClassifyManual . The esriClassifyDefinedInterval method is only applicable to raster class breaks renderer only.Valid values: esriClassifyDefinedInterval , esriClassifyEqualInterval , esriClassifyManual , esriClassifyNaturalBreaks , esriClassifyQuantile , esriClassifyStandardDeviation |
colorRamp | A colorRamp object is used to specify a range of colors that are applied to a group of symbols. |
fadeRatio | The degree with which to fade colors in a heatmap . A value of 0 indicates all color stops in the heatmap have an alpha of 1. A value of 1 indicates the color stop representing the highest density has an alpha value of 1, but all other color stops decrease in opacity significantly. Values between 0 and 1 will result in less transparent alpha values for each color stop. When the renderer is persisted, these alpha values will be persisted in the renderer's color stops. |
field1 | Contains information about an attribute field relating to Relationship renderers. |
field2 | Contains information about an attribute field relating to Relationship renderers. |
fields[] | An array of string values representing field names used for creating predominance renderers. |
flowTheme | Theme to be used only when working with renderers of type flow .Valid values:
focus | Optional. Used for Relationship renderer. If not set, the legend will default to being square. Valid values:
isAutoGenerated | Only applicable to FeatureReductionCluster renderers. Indicates whether the renderer was automatically created internally in behalf of the user by the JS API's rendering engine. When a user manually creates a FeatureReductionCluster renderer, this option should be ignored. |
maxSliderValue | Optional. Indicates the maximum value of a slider if one was used to generate the dot value for dot density renderer. |
minSliderValue | Optional. Indicates the minimum value of a slider if one was used to generate the dot value for dot density renderer. |
numClasses | Number of classes to be associated with the relationship. Used for Relationship renderer. |
standardDeviationInterval | Use this property if the classificationMethod is esriClassifyStandardDeviation .Valid values:
statistics | Statistics used by the legend to avoid representing data values that are beyond the dataset max and min. Only applies to renderers of type univariateColorSize with an 'above-and-below' univariateTheme . |
type | Valid values: classedColor , classedSize , dotDensity , flow , predominance , relationship , univariateColorSize |
univariateSymbolStyle | Symbol style or symbol pair used when creating a renderer of type univariateColorSize with an above-and-below univariateTheme. The custom style indicates the renderer uses a custom symbol pair not provided by the authoring application.Valid values: arrow , caret , circle , circle-arrow , circle-caret , circle-plus-minus , custom , happy-sad , plus-minus , square , thumb , triangle |
univariateTheme | Theme to be used only when working with renderers of type univariateColorSize .Valid values:
visualVariables[] | An array of visualVariable objects containing additional information needed when authoring the renderer. |
Additional information
The authoringInfo object is not required with a renderer. It is only used if rendering was generated using some authoring clients rendering tools. All snippets provided below show a portion of what is contained within authoringInfo
. Please refer to the sample snippets in the authoringInfo visual variable object for additional help.
Classed Size Renderer (Option 1) Example
Please see these sample webmaps showing authoringInfo with classed size using natural breaks.
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "classedSize",
"classificationMethod": "esriClassifyNaturalBreaks"
Classed Size Renderer (Option 2) Example
Please see these sample webmaps showing authoringInfo with classed size using standard deviation.
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "classedSize",
"classificationMethod": "esriClassifyStandardDeviation",
"standardDeviationInterval": 0.5
Classed Color Renderer (Option 1) Example
Please see these sample webmaps showing authoringInfo with classed color using naturl breaks.
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "classedColor",
"classificationMethod": "esriClassifyNaturalBreaks"
Classed Color Renderer (Option 2) Example
Please see these sample webmaps showing authoringInfo with classed color using standard deviation.
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "classedColor",
"classificationMethod": "esriClassifyStandardDeviation",
"standardDeviationInterval": 0.5
Above and below univariate color and size renderer with binary color set in class break infos. Example
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "univariateColorSize",
"visualVariables": [
"maxSliderValue": 20,
"minSliderValue": -20,
"theme": "above-and-below",
"type": "sizeInfo"
"statistics": {
"min": -5,
"max": 23.8951
"univariateSymbolStyle": "arrow",
"univariateTheme": "above-and-below"
Above and below univariate color and size renderer with continuous color ramp. Example
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "univariateColorSize",
"visualVariables": [
"maxSliderValue": 20,
"minSliderValue": -20,
"theme": "above-and-below",
"type": "colorInfo"
"maxSliderValue": 20,
"minSliderValue": -20,
"theme": "above-and-below",
"type": "sizeInfo"
"statistics": {
"min": -5,
"max": 23.8951
"univariateSymbolStyle": "triangle",
"univariateTheme": "above-and-below"
Predominance Renderer Example
Please see these sample webmaps showing authoringInfo with predominance.
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "predominance",
"fields": [
Relationship Renderer Example
"authoringInfo": {
"type": "relationship",
"numClasses": 3,
"focus": "HH",
"field1": {
"field": "MaxWaitTime7_9",
"classBreakInfos": [
"minValue": 3,
"maxValue": 18
"minValue": 18,
"maxValue": 32
"minValue": 32,
"maxValue": 83
"field2": {
"field": "MINORITYCY",
"normalizationField": "TOTPOP",
"classBreakInfos": [
"minValue": 0,
"maxValue": 0.674681
"minValue": 0.674681,
"maxValue": 0.950943
"minValue": 0.950943,
"maxValue": 1
Wave front flow renderer with color Example
Flow renderer with wave front theme and color visual variable.
"authoringInfo": {
"flowTheme": "wave-front",
"type": "flow",
"visualVariables": [
"maxSliderValue": 13.641680717468262,
"minSliderValue": 0,
"theme": "high-to-low",
"type": "colorInfo"
Flow renderer with color, size, and opacity visual variables Example
Flow renderer with flow line theme, and color, opacity, and size visual variables.
"authoringInfo": {
"flowTheme": "flow-line",
"type": "flow",
"visualVariables": [
"maxSliderValue": 13.641680717468262,
"minSliderValue": 0,
"theme": "high-to-low",
"type": "colorInfo"
"maxSliderValue": 13.641680717468262,
"minSliderValue": 0,
"type": "transparencyInfo"
"maxSliderValue": 13.641680717468262,
"minSliderValue": 0,
"theme": "high-to-low",
"type": "sizeInfo"
Flow renderer Example
Flow renderer without visual variables.
"flowTheme": "flow-line",
"type": "flow",
"visualVariables": []
Reference size Example
"authoringInfo": {
"visualVariables": [
"field": "Avg_Population",
"theme": "reference-size",
"referenceSizeSymbolStyle": "circle",
"maxSliderValue": 100,
"minSliderValue": 0,
"sizeStops": [
"value": 0,
"size": 1
"value": 100,
"size": 30
"type": "sizeInfo"