Indicates if working with Microsoft Bing layers. There are three layer types associated with Bing Layers: BingMapsAerial, BingMapsRoad, and BingMapsHybrid.
Referenced by: baseMapLayer
Property | Details |
blendMode | Blend modes are used to create various effects by blending colors of top and background layers. normal blend mode is the default.Valid values: average , color , color-burn , color-dodge , darken , destination-atop , destination-in , destination-out , destination-over , difference , exclusion , hard-light , hue , invert , lighten , lighter , luminosity , minus , multiply , normal , overlay , plus , reflect , saturation , screen , soft-light , source-atop , source-in , source-out , vivid-light , xor |
effect | Effect provides various filter functions to achieve different visual effects similar to how image filters (photo apps) work. |
id | A unique identifying string for the layer. |
layerType | String indicating the layer type. Valid values:
maxScale | Integer property used to determine the maximum scale at which the layer is displayed. |
minScale | Integer property used to determine the minimum scale at which the layer is displayed. |
opacity | The degree of transparency applied to the layer on the client side, where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency. |
portalUrl | A string value representing the URL to the Portal/organization Self resource. Calls should be made to this property to retrieve the Bing key. If the key is not made accessible to the public or if canShareBingPublic is false, any web maps using Bing layers will not work. |
title | A user-friendly string title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents. |
type | Deprecated, use layerType instead. |
visibility | Boolean property determining whether the layer is initially visible in the web map. |
visibilityTimeExtent | Represents time extent that will control when a layer should be visible based on webmap's current time. Visibility time extent only affects the layer visibility and will not filter the data. |
Bing Layer Example
Live sample web map showing the Bing layer as baseMapLayer.
"title": "Bing Maps Road",
"type": "BingMapsRoad",
"layerType": "BingMapsRoad",
"portalUrl": "",
"opacity": 1,
"visibility": true,
"id": "BingMapsRoad",
"blendMode": "hue"