Oriented Imagery Elevation Source

Object defines the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or a constant value to be used to compute the ground-to-image transformations for Oriented Imagery. The object defines properties to be used in the OrientedImageryProperties service.

Referenced by: Oriented Imagery Properties


Can be one of the following:

Property Details
lod The scale in a tiling schema. The scale represents the zoom level value. Each successive level improves resolution and map scale by double when compared to the previous level. lod is applicable only when the url points to a tiled image service.
rasterFunction The raster function processing template that can be applied to the image service.
url URL that references the input digital elevation model. A dynamic image service or a tile image service can be used as the digital elevation model.
Property Details
constantElevation The constant ground elevation value for the entire dataset. The vertical measurement unit value will be used as the unit for constant elevation.

orientedImageryElevationSource Example

OrientedImagery Elevation sample with url, lod and a raster function

  "url": "https://elevation3d.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D/ImageServer",
  "rasterFunction": "Ellipsoidal_Height",
  "lod": 12

orientedImageryConstantElevation Example

OrientedImagery Elevation sample with a constantElevation

  "constantElevation": 120

orientedImageryJustRaster Example

OrientedImagery Elevation sample with url and raster function

  "url": "https://elevation3d.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D/ImageServer",
  "rasterFunction": "Ellipsoidal_Height"

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