
Configures read-only text in form elements.

Referenced by: formGroupElement, formInfo


Property Details
text String value indicating the text to be displayed within the formTextElement.
textFormat Defines language of text property. Default is plain-text.
Valid values:
  • markdown
  • plain-text
type String value indicating which type of element to use. Valid value of this property is text.
Valid value of this property text
visibilityExpression A reference to an Arcade expression that returns a boolean value. When this expression evaluates to true, the element is displayed. When the expression evaluates to false the element is not displayed. If no expression is provided, the default behavior is that the element is displayed.


  "textFormat": "markdown",
  "text": "### Some **descriptive text** to include in the form.",
  "type": "text",
  "visibilityExpression": "expr/system/true"


  "textFormat": "plain-text",
  "text": "Last inspection maximum was {expr/maxPSI}.",
  "type": "text",
  "visibilityExpression": "expr/system/true"

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