Effect Functions

List of available effect functions that can be combined to build a layer effect.

Referenced by: Effect, Scale Dependent Effect


Can be one of the following:

Effect functions brightness, contrast, grayscale, invert, opacity, saturate, and sepia

Property Details
amount Amount of effect. A value of 0 leaves the input unchanged. grayscale, invert, sepia, and opacity effects accept a maximum amount of 1 which applies the effect at 100%. brightness, contrast, and saturate can accept amount above 1. Negative values are not allowed.
type Effect type.
Valid values: brightness, contrast, grayscale, invert, opacity, saturate, sepia

Effect function hue-rotate

Property Details
angle The relative change in hue as an angle in degree. A value of 0 leaves the input unchanged. A positive hue rotation increases the hue value, while a negative one decreases the hue value.
type Effect type.
Valid value of this property hue-rotate

Effect function blur

Property Details
radius The radius of the blur in points. It defines the value of the standard deviation to the Gaussian function. Negative values are not allowed.
type Effect type.
Valid value of this property blur

Effect function drop-shadow

Property Details
blurRadius The radius of the blur in points. It defines the value of the standard deviation to the Gaussian function.
color Color is represented as a four-element array. The four elements represent values for red, green, blue, and alpha in that order. Values range from 0 through 255.
type Effect type.
Valid value of this property drop-shadow
xoffset The distance of the shadow on the x-axis in points.
yoffset The distance of the shadow on the y-axis in points.

Effect function bloom

Property Details
radius Determines the radius of the blur. Negative values are not allowed. Leaves the pixels inside the radius untouched.
strength The intensity of the bloom effect. The higher the value, the brighter the glow. Negative values are not allowed.
threshold The mininum color luminosity for a pixel to bloom, where at 0 all pixels bloom and 1 only the pixels with 100% luminosity colors bloom.
type Effect type.
Valid value of this property bloom

Additional information

grayscale Example

  "type": "grayscale",
  "amount": 1

invert Example

  "type": "invert",
  "amount": 0.5

sepia Example

  "type": "invert",
  "amount": 0.5

hue-rotate Example

  "type": "hue-rotate",
  "angle": 60

blur Example

  "type": "blur",
  "radius": 7.5

drop-shadow Example

  "type": "drop-shadow",
  "xoffset": 2,
  "yoffset": 1,
  "blurRadius": 2,
  "color": [

bloom Example

  "type": "bloom",
  "strength": 2,
  "radius": 2,
  "threshold": 0.6

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