Picture Fill Symbols (esriPFS)

Picture fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries.

Referenced by: symbol


Property Details
angle Numeric value that defines the number of degrees ranging from 0-360, that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0° axis.
contentType String value indicating the content type for the image.
height Numeric value used if needing to resize the symbol. Specify a value in points. If images are to be displayed in their original size, leave this blank.
imageData String value indicating the base64 encoded data.
outline Sets the outline of the symbol.
type Specifies the type of symbol used.
Valid value of this property esriPFS
url String value indicating the URL of the image. The URL should be relative if working with static layers. A full URL should be used for map service dynamic layers. A relative URL can be dereferenced by accessing the map layer image resource or the feature layer image resource.
width Numeric value used if needing to resize the symbol. Specify a value in points. If images are to be displayed in their original size, leave this blank.
xoffset Numeric value indicating the offset on the x-axis in points.
xscale Numeric value indicating the scale factor in x direction.
yoffset Numeric value indicating the offset on the y-axis in points.
yscale Numeric value indicating the scale factor in y direction.

Picture Fill Symbol Example

  "type": "esriPFS",
  "url": "866880A0",
  "imageData": "...",
  "contentType": "image/png",
  "outline": {
    "type": "esriSLS",
    "style": "esriSLSSolid",
    "color": [
    "width": 1
  "width": 63,
  "height": 63,
  "angle": 0,
  "xoffset": 0,
  "yoffset": 0,
  "xscale": 1,
  "yscale": 1

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