Oriented Imagery Properties

Object that defines properties of layers in a feature service with layer type OrientedImageryLayer. If a property is not defined in the layer field, corresponding value for that property defined here would be used instead.

Referenced by: Oriented Imagery Layer (OrientedImageryLayer)


Property Details
cameraHeading Camera orientation defining the first rotation around z-axis of the camera. Defined in degrees. Heading values are measured in the positive clockwise direction where north is defined as 0 degrees. -999 is used when the orientation is unknown.
cameraHeight The height of camera above the ground when the imagery was captured. The units are in meters. Camera height is used to determine the visible extent of the image, large values will result in a greater view extent. Values should not be less than 0.
cameraPitch Camera orientation defining the second rotation around x-axis of the camera in the positive counterclockwise direction. Defined in degrees. The pitch is 0 degrees when the camera is facing straight down to ground. The valid range of pitch value is from 0 to 180 degrees, with 180 degrees for a camera facing straight up and 90 degrees for a camera facing horizon.
cameraRoll Camera orientation defining the final rotation around z-axis of the camera in the positive clockwise direction. The camera housing rotation is defined in degrees. Valid values range from -90 to +90.
coveragePercent Modifies the extent of the image's ground footprint. The ground footprint of each image is computed to search for images that contain the selected location, which is identified as the red cross on the map. Valid values are from -50 to 50. Negative percentage values shrink the size of the ground footprint and positive values increase the size of the ground footprint.
demPathPrefix Prefix used to build the DEM url path in conjunction with the elevationSource attribute.
demPathSuffix Suffix used to build the DEM url path in conjunction with the elevationSource attribute.
depthImagePathPrefix Prefix used to build the depth image url path in conjunction with the depth image attribute.
depthImagePathSuffix Suffix used to build the depth image url path in conjunction with the depth image attribute.
elevationSource The source of elevation as a JSON string, that will be used to compute ground to image transformations. The elevation source can be a digital elevation model (DEM) or a constant value. A dynamic image service or a tile image service can be used as the digital elevation model. The unit of constant elevation value should be in meters.
farDistance The farthest usable distance of the imagery from the camera position. FarDistance is used to determine the extent of the image footprint, which is used to determine if an image is returned when you click on the map, and for creating optional footprint features. The units are in meters. Far distance should be always greater than 0.
horizontalFieldOfView The camera's scope in horizontal direction. The units are in degrees and valid values range from 0 to 360.
horizontalMeasurementUnit Defines the unit that will be used for all horizontal measurements. The unit will be obtained from the layer coordinate system and will be used for display purposes only.
imagePathPrefix Prefix used to build the image url path in conjunction with the image attribute.
imagePathSuffix Suffix used to build the image url path in conjunction with the image attribute.
imageRotation The orientation of the camera in degrees relative to the scene when the image was captured. The rotation is added in addition to the camera roll. The value can range from -360 to +360.
maximumDistance Maximum search distance to be used while querying the feature service specified in the Oriented Imagery Layer. The maximum distance can never be less than zero.
nearDistance The nearest usable distance of the imagery from the camera position. The units are in meters. Near distance can never be less than 0.
orientationAccuracy Semicolon-delimited string used to store standard deviation values. The standard deviation values are in the following order and format: Camera location in XY direction; camera height; camera heading; camera pitch; camera roll; near distance; far distance; elevation (all in meters).
orientedImageryType String that defines the imagery type used in the particular Oriented Imagery Layer.
Valid values:
  • 360
  • Horizontal
  • Inspection
  • Nadir
  • Oblique
timeIntervalUnit Defines the unit of time used in the viewer's time selector tool. Images will be filtered in the viewer based on the Time Unit value defined here.
Valid values: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Weeks, Years
verticalFieldOfView The camera's scope in the vertical direction. The units are in degrees and valid values range from 0 to 180.
verticalMeasurementUnit Defines the primary unit to be used for all vertical measurements.
Valid values:
  • Feet
  • Meter
videoPathPrefix Prefix used to build the video url path in conjunction with the image attribute.
videoPathSuffix Suffix used to build the video url path in conjunction with the image attribute.

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