Raster Function Template

Raster function template containing one or more raster functions chained together to produce a processing workflow.

Referenced by: renderingRule


Property Details
_object_id The id of the raster function template.
aliases[] Aliases for the function referenced in the template.
arguments The arguments for the function referenced in the raster function template.
definition A query definition to filter rasters when the layer's data source is a mosaic dataset.
description The description of the raster function template.
function The raster function referenced by the raster function template.
functionType Defines whether the function is applied to a mosaic dataset. Indicates the level of the mosaic processing is used. Only applies to mosaic based image services. 0 - function is applied after mosaicking; 1 - function is applied on each raster item before mosaicking; 2 - function is applied to a group of raster items before mosaicking.
Valid values:
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
group Group field name for item group function template
help The short description of what the raster function template does.
name Name of the raster function template.
properties The properties used to define multidimensional dataset processing rules.
tag Tag field name for item group function template .
thumbnail Thumbnail url of the raster function template.
thumbnailEx Base64 encoded thumbnail of the raster function template.
type Type of the raster function template.
Valid value of this property RasterFunctionTemplate

BandArithmetic_NDVI function template Example

BandArithmetic NDVI function template

  "name": "BandArithmetic_NDVI",
  "description": "desc",
  "function": {
    "pixelType": "F32",
    "name": "Band Arithmetic",
    "description": "Calculates indexes using predefined formulas or a user-defined expression.",
    "type": "BandArithmeticFunction",
    "_object_id": 1
  "arguments": {
    "Raster": {
      "name": "Raster",
      "isDataset": true,
      "isPublic": false,
      "type": "RasterFunctionVariable",
      "_object_id": 2
    "Method": {
      "name": "Method",
      "value": 1,
      "isDataset": false,
      "isPublic": false,
      "type": "RasterFunctionVariable",
      "_object_id": 3
    "BandIndexes": {
      "name": "BandIndexes",
      "value": "3 1",
      "isDataset": false,
      "isPublic": false,
      "type": "RasterFunctionVariable",
      "_object_id": 4
    "type": "BandArithmeticFunctionArguments",
    "_object_id": 5
  "functionType": 0,
  "thumbnail": "",
  "properties": {
    "MatchVariable": {
      "name": "MatchVariable",
      "value": 1,
      "isDataset": false,
      "isPublic": false,
      "type": "RasterFunctionVariable",
      "_object_id": 6
    "UnionDimension": {
      "name": "UnionDimension",
      "value": 0,
      "isDataset": false,
      "isPublic": false,
      "type": "RasterFunctionVariable",
      "_object_id": 7
    "type": "PropertySet",
    "_object_id": 8

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