Vector Tile Layer (VectorTileLayer)

A vector tile layer references a set of web-accessible vector tiles and the corresponding style for how those tiles should be drawn.

Referenced by: baseMapLayer, operationalLayers


Property Details
blendMode Blend modes are used to create various effects by blending colors of top and background layers. normal blend mode is the default.
Valid values: average, color, color-burn, color-dodge, darken, destination-atop, destination-in, destination-out, destination-over, difference, exclusion, hard-light, hue, invert, lighten, lighter, luminosity, minus, multiply, normal, overlay, plus, reflect, saturation, screen, soft-light, source-atop, source-in, source-out, vivid-light, xor
customParameters A sequence of custom parameters appended to the URL of all requests related to a layer.
id A unique identifying string for the layer.
isReference This property is applicable if used as a baseMapLayer. A boolean value indicating whether or not the baseMapLayer draws on top (true) of other layers, including operationalLayers, or below (false).
itemId Optional string containing the item ID of the service if it's registered on ArcGIS Online or your organization's portal.
layerType String indicating the layer type.
Valid value of this property VectorTileLayer
listMode To show or hide the layer in the layer list
Valid values:
  • hide
  • show
maxScale A number representing the maximum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator.
minScale A number representing the minimum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator.
opacity The degree of transparency applied to the layer on the client side, where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency.
path For offline data, a path to a vector tile layer package file. A URI format is used, starting with file: followed by a file system path with an extension of .vtpk. A relative path must be from the file which defines the layer. For example file:../p20/northamerica.vtpk.
styleUrl A url to a JSON file containing the stylesheet information used to render the layer. You may also pass an object containing the stylesheet information identical to the JSON file.
title A user-friendly string title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents.
visibility Boolean property determining whether the layer is initially visible.
visibilityTimeExtent Represents time extent that will control when a layer should be visible based on webscene's current time. Visibility time extent only affects the layer visibility and will not filter the data.

operationalLayer Example

  "id": "VectorTile_3534",
  "layerType": "VectorTileLayer",
  "title": "World_Basemap",
  "styleUrl": "",
  "itemId": "bdf1eec3fa79456c8c7c2bb62f86dade",
  "visibility": true,
  "opacity": 1

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