ClassBreaks Renderer

A class breaks renderer symbolizes based on the value of some numeric attribute. The classBreakInfo define the values at which the symbology changes.

Referenced by: renderer


Property Details
authoringInfo An object containing metadata about the authoring process for creating a renderer object. This allows the authoring clients to save specific overridable settings so that next time it is accessed via the UI, their selections are remembered. Non-authoring clients can ignore it.
backgroundFillSymbol Supported only for polygon features.
classBreakInfos[] Array of classBreakInfo objects.
defaultLabel Label for the default symbol used to draw unspecified values.
defaultSymbol Symbol used when a value cannot be classified.
field Attribute field used for renderer.
legendOptions A legend containing one title, which is a string describing the renderer in the legend.
minValue The minimum numeric data value needed to begin class breaks.
normalizationField Used when normalizationType is field. The string value indicating the attribute field by which the data value is normalized.
normalizationTotal Used when normalizationType is percent-of-total, this number property contains the total of all data values.
normalizationType Determine how the data was normalized.
Valid values:
  • esriNormalizeByField
  • esriNormalizeByLog
  • esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal
type Specifies the type of renderer used.
Valid value of this property classBreaks
valueExpression An Arcade expression evaluating to a number.
valueExpressionTitle The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property.
visualVariables[] An array of objects used to set rendering properties.

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