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ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
Sample Code
Sample Code
API Reference
Analyze hotspots
Distance measurement analysis
Line of sight geoelement
Line of sight location
Viewshed camera
Viewshed geoelement
Viewshed geoprocessing
Viewshed location
Display information
Add graphics with renderer
Add graphics with symbols
Control annotation sublayer visibility
Dictionary renderer with graphics overlay
Display annotation
Display dimensions
Display grid
Format coordinates
Identify graphics
Show callout
Show labels on layer
Update graphics
Add features
Add features with contingent values
Delete features
Edit and sync features
Edit feature attachments
Edit features with feature-linked annotation
Edit with branch versioning
Update attributes
Update geometries (feature service)
Feature layers
Change feature layer renderer
Configure clusters
Create mobile geodatabase
Display clusters
Display route layer
Display subtype feature layer
Feature collection layer
Feature collection layer from portal
Feature collection layer query
Dictionary renderer with feature layer
Feature layer extrusion
Feature layer (feature service)
Feature layer (geodatabase)
Feature layer (Geo
Feature layer query
Feature layer rendering mode (map)
Feature layer selection
Feature layer shapefile
Filter by definition expression or display filter
Generate geodatabase replica from feature service
List related features
Statistical query
Statistical query group and sort
Time-based query
Toggle between feature request modes
Buffer list
Clip geometry
Convex hull
Convex hull list
Create and edit geometries
Create geometries
Cut geometry
Densify and generalize
Geodesic operations
Geodesic sector and ellipse
Geometry engine simplify
List transformations by suitability
Nearest vertex
Spatial operations
Spatial relationships
Group layers
Group layers
Add ENC exchange set
Image layers
Change sublayer renderer
Map image layer
Map image layer sublayer visibility
Map image layer tables
Query map image sublayer
Create and save KML file
Display KML
Display KML network links
Edit KML ground overlay
Identify KML features
List KML contents
Play KML Tour
Local server
Local server feature layer
Generate elevation profile with Local Server
Local server geoprocessing
Local server map image layer
Local server services
Access load status
Apply scheduled updates to preplanned map area
Browse building floors
Change basemap
Configure basemap style parameters
Create and save map
Display map
Download a preplanned map area
Generate offline map
Generate offline map (overrides)
Generate offline map with local basemap
Honor mobile map package expiration date
Manage bookmarks
Manage operational layers
Map initial extent
Map reference scale
Map spatial reference
Min max scale
Mobile map (search and route)
Open map (URL)
Open mobile map package
Query features with Arcade expression
Read a Geo
Set initial map location
Set max extent
Map view
Change viewpoint
Display device location with autopan modes
Display device location with NMEA data sources
Display draw status
Display layer view state
Identify layers
Map rotation
Scale bar
Set up location driven Geotriggers
Show location history
Take Screenshot
Network analysis
Closest facility
Closest facility (static)
Find route
Find service areas for multiple facilities
Offline routing
Routing around barriers
Service area task
Browse OGC API feature service
Browse WFS layers
Display OGC API collection
Display WFS layer
Map layer
Query with CQL filters
Style WMS layer
Load WFS with XML query
WMS layer (URL)
WMTS layer
Integrated Windows Authentication
Token authentication
Webmap keyword search
Apply mosaic rule to rasters
Blend renderer
Colormap renderer
Hillshade renderer
Identify Raster Cell
Raster function
Raster layer (file)
Raster layer (Geo
Raster layer (URL)
Raster rendering rule
RGB renderer
Stretch renderer
Real time
Add custom dynamic entity data source
Add dynamic entity layer
Add 3d tiles layer
Add point scene layer