IAddRastersParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control parameters for adding rasters to a mosaic dataset.


Name Description
Read/write property AllowInPlaceSync Inidicates whether to allow items to be build as soon as they are added to the mosaic dataset (as long as the raster type allows in-place synchronization).
Read/write property Crawler The data source crawler that provides incoming data source items.
Read/write property DuplicateItemsAction Indicates how incoming duplicates items are handled. Item URIs with the same key value are assumed to be duplicate.
Read/write property Filter Regular expression formed using wild card characters ('*', '?', or '.') for matching data source items created by the crawler. No item URIs are requested for those data sources don't match the specified regular expression.
Read/write property RasterType The raster type used for constructing raster datasets using incoming data source items.
Read/write property SynchronizeItems Indicates whether catalog items are synchronized once added to the mosaic dataset.
Read/write property TimeExtent The range of allowed time value for Item URIs. Item URIs with 'SourceTimeStamp' that don't lie within the specified range are filtered out.

IAddRastersParameters.AllowInPlaceSync Property

Inidicates whether to allow items to be build as soon as they are added to the mosaic dataset (as long as the raster type allows in-place synchronization).

Public Property AllowInPlaceSync As Boolean
public bool AllowInPlaceSync {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.Crawler Property

The data source crawler that provides incoming data source items.

Public Property Crawler As IDataSourceCrawler
public IDataSourceCrawler Crawler {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.DuplicateItemsAction Property

Indicates how incoming duplicates items are handled. Item URIs with the same key value are assumed to be duplicate.

Public Property DuplicateItemsAction As esriDuplicateItemsAction
public esriDuplicateItemsAction DuplicateItemsAction {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.Filter Property

Regular expression formed using wild card characters ('*', '?', or '.') for matching data source items created by the crawler. No item URIs are requested for those data sources don't match the specified regular expression.

Public Property Filter As String
public string Filter {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.RasterType Property

The raster type used for constructing raster datasets using incoming data source items.

Public Property RasterType As IRasterType
public IRasterType RasterType {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.SynchronizeItems Property

Indicates whether catalog items are synchronized once added to the mosaic dataset.

Public Property SynchronizeItems As Boolean
public bool SynchronizeItems {get; set;}

IAddRastersParameters.TimeExtent Property

The range of allowed time value for Item URIs. Item URIs with 'SourceTimeStamp' that don't lie within the specified range are filtered out.

Public Property TimeExtent As ITimeExtent
public ITimeExtent TimeExtent {get; set;}

Classes that implement IAddRastersParameters

Classes Description
AddRastersParameters An object that controls how rasters are added to a mosaic dataset.

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