IExportItemsParameters2 Interface

Provides additional access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset.


Name Description
Read/write property BaseName The basename.
Read/write property BuildPyramids Indicates whether pyramids are built for each raster dataset associated with each selected catalog item.
Read/write property CellSize The cellsize.
Read/write property ClippingGeometry The clipping geometry.
Read/write property ComputeStatistics Indicates whether histogram statistics are computed for each raster dataset associated with each selected catalog item.
Read/write property Extent The extent.
Read/write property Format The output format.
Read/write property MapSpace Indicates whether export items to map space.
Read/write property NoData The nodata.
Read/write property OutputFolder The output folder.
Read/write property ResamplingType The resampling type.
Read/write property SnapRaster The reference raster whose bottom-left corner (XMin, YMin) is used for snapping the output raster's bottom-left corner.
Read/write property SpatialRef The spatial reference.
Read/write property StorageDef The storagedef.

IExportItemsParameters2.MapSpace Property

Indicates whether export items to map space.

Public Property MapSpace As Boolean
public bool MapSpace {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IExportItemsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for exporting items in a mosaic dataset.

Classes that implement IExportItemsParameters2

Classes Description
ExportItemsParameters An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are exported.

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