IRasterPyramid4 Interface

Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.


Name Description
Method BuildPyramid Builds pyramid for this RasterDataset.
Method BuildPyramid Builds pyramid for this RasterDataset.
Method Create Build raster pyramids for this raster.
Method DeletePyramid Deletes pyramid for this RasterDataset.
Read/write property MinimumSize The minimum raster pyramid size.
Read-only property Present Indicates whether pyramid layers exist.
Read-only property PyramidLevel The pyramid level.
Read-only property PyramidResamplingMethod The pyramid resampling method.

IRasterPyramid4.BuildPyramid Method

Builds pyramid for this RasterDataset.

IRasterPyramid4.BuildPyramid Method

Builds pyramid for this RasterDataset.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterPyramid3 Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.
IRasterPyramid2 Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.
IRasterPyramid Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.

Classes that implement IRasterPyramid4

Classes Description
RasterDataset A representation of a raster dataset on disk.

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